View Full Version : Zoloft (50mg)

21-03-16, 20:37
Any reviews on this stuff from anybody who has personally taken it? Ive heard lots of good things and some negative, but it seems like a lot of the negative stuff had to do with side effects and getting off of it early. My doctor prescribed it to me, and I was prescribed Xanax as needed because my anxiety may heighten at first. The lady I seen did a very quick neuro test on me and said I passed and also listened to my heart and lungs and said they sound great. She listened to basically all of my concerns. I just keep really hoping that this is all just anxiety. I know that I'm definitely suffering from it, I just hope there isn't an underlying medical reason as to why...

Anyway, anybody have any experience taking Zoloft?? Thanks in advance.

21-03-16, 20:44
I take this. 50mg been on it for about 6 months. I advise you take it. It will help xx

21-03-16, 20:59
Zoloft is the same as Sertraline right?

If so, I have been on it for a couple of months and it does help a lot with anxiety. The first week was terrible though and my anxiety quadrupled! A common effect of Sertraline. It settled in about a week and a half though.

Good luck, I hope they are effective for you.

21-03-16, 21:27
Hi I'm new, I have been taking sertraline which is like Zoloft . I've been on 100mg for over 4 weeks now and I feel worse then ever, my anxiety is crippling me and also having major panic attacks. I have read it can take 6-8 weeks to start working,is that right and do these horrible side effects go?

21-03-16, 22:01
Hi I'm new, I have been taking sertraline which is like Zoloft . I've been on 100mg for over 4 weeks now and I feel worse then ever, my anxiety is crippling me and also having major panic attacks. I have read it can take 6-8 weeks to start working,is that right and do these horrible side effects go?

I've heard it takes time and your anxiety may heighten at first... What type of side effects? The heightened anxiety and panic attacks or others?

Thanks everyone for the responses, anybody else?

21-03-16, 22:09
Yes it is very good it has helped me a lot.

21-03-16, 22:16
Don't know how similar it is to Sertraline, but I found Sertraline horrible for about two weeks. My anxiety was off the charts and I thought I was going mad. I also became emotionally numb.

Then, one day, it all started to lift. I'm not perfect by any means, but if you can get through the early bit, Sertraline can be very helpful.

21-03-16, 22:35
Sertraline is the generic name for Zoloft. Same drug. I took it for some depression for about 6 months (100mg). Along with therapy, it helped get me through a rough time. Only side effect was a dodgy stomach but it was tolerable.

Positive thoughts

21-03-16, 22:42
There you go, I've learned something new today. Glad to hear it can be effective. I thought it was making me worse for a while but I'm sure it's doing me good now.

22-03-16, 02:33
I have taken it for about four months. It took a couple of weeks for the side effects to wear off and a good two months before I started to feel more like my old self again. I suffered for a long while with physical side effects like dizziness, chest pain, tingling - but I had that from the anxiety before I started taking it! I also had a very low period about a month in but I think that was circumstantial rather than anything to do with the medication.

I still get anxious but it is controllable and it doesn't consume me like it used to before. I think it has helped me a lot and allowed me to be in a place where I can function day to day while combining it with CBT etc.

22-03-16, 12:06
It's helped me so much, it's changed my life. I was so scared of the side effects but all I got was a dry mouth and sleepy feeling during the day. It's the best decision I've ever made. I still have anxiety and get overwhelmed but it doesn't spiral out of control like it used to.

You'll never know if you don't try!

23-03-16, 04:37
Hi I'm new, I have been taking sertraline which is like Zoloft . I've been on 100mg for over 4 weeks now and I feel worse then ever, my anxiety is crippling me and also having major panic attacks. I have read it can take 6-8 weeks to start working,is that right and do these horrible side effects go?

100mg seems a lot to start.
I started on 25 then went to 50 where I've stayed for about a year now.

23-03-16, 16:38
It changed my life when I started taking Zoloft. I was crippled by anxiety, couldn't leave the house for a while as I thought I would have a panic attack. Then I took this and got my life back completely.

I thought I was in a better place so came off it, and was fine for a year but then one bad episode had me starting again. I don't want to take a drug but the difference it has made in my life is obvious so now I'm taking 25mg and doing well.

It doesn't work for everyone, but the effects can be profound if it does.