View Full Version : Worried about yet another type of cancer!

21-03-16, 21:31
I can't believe I am now worried about another type of cancer, this time its all women's cancers generally, I've posted here about my symptoms: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=181826

I just stop worrying about one type of cancer and I get onto another. It seems I always have symptoms of some type or it feels like that! Like every other time this time I really feel convinced it has to be something sinister :unsure:

21-03-16, 22:02
My gp once said to me that every single bodily symptom " could" be a sign of cancer, he said that the difference between the general public and himself is that he has spent 7 years learning all the other clinical signs that make a qualified Dr suspect cancer, so when us health anxiety sufferers don't believe our Dr's and insist on more and more tests we are being rather insulting to the highly trained Dr. He said this in a nice way to explain how frustrating it can be for Gp's to deal with us health anxiety sufferers.

We can never ever be certain that any symptom is NOT a sign of cancer and that is what we have so much trouble accepting and coming to terms with.

As you know there is no miracle instant cure for the way our minds work.

Maybe hang onto the fact that the chances of your symptoms being cancer are tiny compared with your symptoms being from some other none life threatening condition even that one called anxiety symptoms.