View Full Version : Yesterdays panic atack.

04-03-07, 20:38
Hi there,
I joined this site earlier today and it seems great so far. I have a left an introduction in the other section but I would like to share yesterdays experience.
I was travelling by train from Sheffield to Stoke (with a change at Derby) and a major panic attack began on the first leg of my journey. At times these panic attacks can feel like heart attacks because I had extreme difficulty breathing and my left arm went very limp. I also suffered a severe temperature change and a feeling of pressure in my head. Its one of the worst feelings I have ever experienced. During the change at Derby I had to spend 10 minutes in the toilet composing myself and I even considered asking a policeman on the station to drive me to the local hospital. I wonder what they would have said if I did arrive there?
I used to suffer from panic attacks a few years back and a warning sign would be these internal switches prior to a panic attack. These came on again a couple of days before yesterdays panic attack, so they are a definite warning sign. Has anyone experienced similar to this? Also, does anyone know of a relationship between cigarette smoking and the palpitations experienced between panic attacks? Thanks for reading. Dan.

05-03-07, 08:49
agree with JoeA cigarettes are a stimulant and increase palpitations- try to cut down if you can.

05-03-07, 12:56
Thanks for repyling guys. I remember having a coffee on the station too, so perhaps this contributed? Its surprising how strong cofffee can be. Have you guys totally cut caffeine of any kind out of your diets? Dan.

05-03-07, 13:05
I've cut out most caffeine - I have the odd cup of weak tea but thats it.

Before the current phase, I used to love having my cappuccinos. Now the packets are lying idly in the cupboard, waiting for me to recover.

I've also cut out most alcohol as well. I used to have a few glasses of wine a week - now I limit it to 2 half glasses. I find the alcohol exaggerates my symptoms.

05-03-07, 17:48
Ive started to cut out caffeine and alcohol completley as even small amounts make me feel so bad the following day. Im trying my best to eat a healthier diet but im an emotional eater...so thats a little more difficult !
Im also really suffering with a cold at the moment and Im sure its making me feel worse. :ohmy: