View Full Version : blood clot fears please help

22-03-16, 11:10
Earlier I fell asleep on my right arm for about half an hour to an hour. I woke up to a pins and needles feeling in my hand that was so intense it was actually painful. It took about 15 minutes for the pins and needles to go away and there was a raised bump on my hand just above my wrist that had sharp shooting pains. Its pretty much gone down now but its been about 2 and a half hours and my right hand and right arm are still kind of numb and tingly and sore. Its 4 in the morning here and I am desperate to sleep but I'm scared and this feeling won't go away. I am terrified that the bump is a blood clot and that if I sleep it will burst and go to my brain or heart or lungs and I'll die. Please respond I really need to sleep and I don't think I'll sleep at all until someone tells me whether or not this is possible.

22-03-16, 12:28
Have you tried moving it about? You've kind of answered your own question, happened after you'd been asleep on it. If this is the first time it's happened Logic would suggest it's because you fell asleep on that arm, rather than a blood clot.

22-03-16, 15:54
Yes, I know its because I fell asleep on it. One of the veins in my hand was kind of swollen and bulging out and sore, so I'm worried it was a clot from me cutting off the blood flow. I moved it around for hours and the weird sensations didn't completely fade, so I'm just worried and wondering if its in any way possible to give yourself a blood clot by falling asleep on your arm. I was asleep on it for less than an hour so it seems illogical but the pain and pins and needles sensation was so intense, it just freaks me out that hours went by and it still felt funny.

22-03-16, 17:31
Anxiety can cause tingling, if it's gone away I'd try to forget about it. I think you'd probably have to do a lot more than sleep on your arm to cause a blood clot. Try not to worry I know it's hard once you get worried about something, if it comes back for no reason maybe call your doctor.