View Full Version : chest arm and stomach cramps heart attack symtoms

22-03-16, 11:44
I'm 35 weeks pregnant this morning I woke up with dull chest and arm pain it's almost so heavy and uncomfortable I'm finding it difficult to do anything it's going into my stomach and I'm having kinda cold burning sensation does this sound like heart attack ? Could it be reflux or something I'm absolutely petrified I'm 23 in good health really apart from unexplained headaches but this chest pain had been gradually getting worse since Saturday it's so deep inside too I was at hospital for baby on Sunday and midwife yesterday BP was good no pre eclampsia symtoms ect all tests for that said no but I feel absolutely awful I donno if anxiety is playing a part init or whether I'm actually having a heart attack or something please somebody answer me I woke up with lump in throat feeling for no reason at 4 am and that's another heartattack symtoms isn't it 😯 want if I'm having a heart attack @!! I just want to cry

22-03-16, 11:54
As you're pregnant, I would call your doctor and see if they can fit you in today. I doubt it's a heart attack but the only thing that will put most people at ease is if a medical professional tells you so, and it's the safest option. Try to stay calm, have a water or herbal tea and try your best to relax. But do call your doctor

22-03-16, 14:19
I'm going to ring in a minute my full chest back and arms feel like hot burning I've had a rennie for reflux and it hasn't helped at all I know I do have reflux but this feels like reflux in my arms and everywhere and my hands are so cold there like ice I can't stop panicking now I know it's something more than anxiety I don't know why I left it I suppose I'm always on edge incase they go 9h it's just anxiety like they normally do but surely it's not when I was absolutely calm taking my son to school and when I got in it started getting worse again ��

22-03-16, 14:54
See what the doctor says, hope you and baby are fine. x

26-03-16, 10:05
Baby is fine I spent 6 hours in a&e and a full day in acu they did ecg blood pressure bloods although didn't say what for and temp all was normal ecg was normal straight away so only had it on for like 20 seconds bloods came back good he said so he did scare me when he said I need to come back if I get any more sudden sharp pain in know they have to say that though well today I'm dizzy put of breathe but it must be anxiety now as I'm sure if it was pe or anything bloods would of shown it xx

26-03-16, 23:48
Good to hear you're both okay. Maybe see your doctor for ways to manage your anxiety? Like breathing exercises etc

28-03-16, 19:00
Thankyou yes I'm going to definitely go to doctors hopefully get some . management again hopefully will work because today I have weird headaches and shivers in head and sure it's a anyrsm it seems I can't help but worry everyday now not good for baby with all this stress that I'm causing :( x