View Full Version : A Worry About The Heart

22-03-16, 12:38
Well, I'm trying to take myself off the medicine the hospital recommended me to a couple months back, Amlodipine. However, I am worried. Even though they said my EKG was fine, and apparently blood tests though I wasn't sure which tests they ran, I'm worried that my stomach and abdominal and 'heat' feeling issues are related to heart still no matter what they say instead of acid reflux/digestion. Should I really be that worried? 24, with BP things, by the way. Though they said it was under control.

22-03-16, 13:39
Should I really be that worried?

First off, do not stop taking your medication without a doctor's supervision or advice. You're on it for a reason. If it's not agreeing with you, discuss it with your doctor.

As to your question? You're questioning scientific medical tests. If I along with other members say "No", would that really quell your worries? Have you called the mental health services?

Positive thoughts

22-03-16, 15:23
An MD suggested it and I told the nurse to my doctor. She wanted me to come in but I didn't receive much feedback nor did they seem crazy concerned. I'm also kind of worrying about angina or whatever it is now. And I've not, not sure where to start even though I looked up that thing you showed.

22-03-16, 15:27
And I've not, not sure where to start even though I looked up that thing you showed.

:huh: All you need to do is to type in your zip code! (http://www.mentalhealthamerica.net/find-affiliate)

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts