View Full Version : Its starting to consume me

22-03-16, 15:48
31 yo / male

6 years of constipation, finally went to a GI doc today and he said he will give me a colonoscopy to put my mind at rest, but now I'm thinking

what if it's spread to my liver? lungs?

I have a pea sized lymph node at side of my neck that has been there 4 years, not gotten any bigger, but its there.. when I turn my head, its on the muscle that sticks out. I googled and it says lung cancer can spread to lymph nodes in the neck

I also have constant left leg pain now, possibly related to my constipation, but then I thought it was melanoma which spread to the bone ( that was ruled out ) now I'm thinking its DVT

Jesus, I know its not normal to rationalise like this, but I just can't shake it

I say to myself.. if your colonscopy is clean, have a chest xray and that will rule out lung cancer/liver cancer etc but where will this end?

anyone with thoughts?

22-03-16, 15:58
It just continues to spiral out of control when you're in this stage. My HA is bad, I'm still hoping it's just anxiety. I've had a few doctor visits, blood tests, a small neuro test and a Chest X-Ray. Still can't get over this Brain Tumor worry and Heart worry. I started taking Zoloft on THU and it seems like it may help or at least it's helped others.

Are you taking anything or have you spoke to anybody about it? I know I have anxiety and I've had a few Panic Attacks, I just hope that's all that I'm dealing with.

22-03-16, 16:01
It just continues to spiral out of control when you're in this stage. My HA is bad, I'm still hoping it's just anxiety. I've had a few doctor visits, blood tests, a small neuro test and a Chest X-Ray. Still can't get over this Brain Tumor worry and Heart worry. I started taking Zoloft on THU and it seems like it may help or at least it's helped others.

Are you taking anything or have you spoke to anybody about it? I know I have anxiety and I've had a few Panic Attacks, I just hope that's all that I'm dealing with.

I don't have panic attacks, I just have this horrible feeling of death in the future due to an illness. Funnily enough, I have never worried about my brain or my heart

22-03-16, 16:06
I'm just giving you an example of what I've been going through my last 2 months. I thought stomach cancer, liver, pancreatic, etc. I hope you get the reassurance that you need and can move on. It's a real game changer in life, this anxiety thing. And not in a good way. There are some good, knowledgeable, and supportive people here.

22-03-16, 16:16
I don't think its the worrying that bothers us its the constant symptoms ruining the sufferers life

imho just get pissed it kills ocd and anxiety dead for the short term lol

22-03-16, 16:39
I don't think its the worrying that bothers us its the constant symptoms ruining the sufferers life

imho just get pissed it kills ocd and anxiety dead for the short term lol

I'm not a fan of alcohol myself haha

22-03-16, 19:02
hahaha im going on holiday on Friday and theres no way I intend to spend it checking taps and rubbing my head in true ocd fashion lol , ill get cider drip connected up and ill be on fine normal form

18-04-16, 16:18
great, now lung cancer fears are setting in. Pain between shoulder blades and a slight cough, just what i need

18-04-16, 16:30
did you get a colonoscopy?

18-04-16, 16:31
but where will this end?

It starts to end when you treat your anxiety. Doing nothing about it will keep you in the same place and maybe worse off down the road. At least if you're working on treating it, you're doing something positive.

Positive thoughts

18-04-16, 17:00
did you get a colonoscopy?

it is tomorrow, I'm having a virtual colonoscopy in a ct scanner

18-04-16, 17:05
it is tomorrow, I'm having a virtual colonoscopy in a ct scanner

I'm going to step in and say that that sounds extremely cool. Like technology wise. It's amazing what they can do.

As for your worries... It doesn't stop unless you tell it too. Work with accepting uncertainty. Set a limit. After this colonoscopy, no more tests.

Trust your doctors. I begged for a colonoscopy. I didn't get one. My doctor refused. My doctor, even though I try and prove him wrong every day, has never failed me.

18-04-16, 19:48
I'm going to step in and say that that sounds extremely cool. Like technology wise. It's amazing what they can do.

As for your worries... It doesn't stop unless you tell it too. Work with accepting uncertainty. Set a limit. After this colonoscopy, no more tests.

Trust your doctors. I begged for a colonoscopy. I didn't get one. My doctor refused. My doctor, even though I try and prove him wrong every day, has never failed me.

the thing is, my local doctor doesn't have greatest reputation, and I always think what if

the colonoscopy is self paid, its my first ever ct scan.. and I have had abdominal issues since 2008, so I'm treating myself

My GI doctor says that its probably nothing, it would unlikely to be cancer as things would of got worse. I had a sitz marker test and all the markets were left in me. He said I have slow transit constipation, and the colonoscopy is just to make sure

18-04-16, 19:52
the colonoscopy is self paid, its my first ever ct scan.. and I have had abdominal issues since 2008, so I'm treating myself

That' sthe first time I've ever heard of someone "treating themselves" to a colonoscopy! :huh: ~lol~

Positive thoughts

18-04-16, 20:03
That' sthe first time I've ever heard of someone "treating themselves" to a colonoscopy! :huh: ~lol~

Positive thoughts

haha a virtual one.. I think a pro of the virtual one is that it can see other organs, whether thats a good thing or bad thing as they have been known to pick up every small little detail

the con is, if a polyp is fine, I will need a regular colonoscopy anyway

22-04-16, 16:22
I get my results Monday, not heard anything, don't know whether thats a good or bad thing to be honest

22-04-16, 16:28
Probably a good thing actually. I've heard stories of where people got colonoscopys (usually much older) and right after they get pulled into a room if its something serious.

Just keep a positive mind until then, I'm sure everythings fine :)

---------- Post added at 09:28 ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 ----------

That' sthe first time I've ever heard of someone "treating themselves" to a colonoscopy! :huh: ~lol~

I almost did this once actually and I was self-diagnosing and self-treating for a long time. Infact I'd explain my symptoms in a way to try and convince the doctor I needed this test and that test in order to reassure myself.

In the end it was a huge waste of time and resources really.

22-04-16, 16:29
Probably a good thing actually. I've heard stories of where people got colonoscopys (usually much older) and right after they get pulled into a room if its something serious.

Just keep a positive mind until then, I'm sure everythings fine :)

Yeah this was a CT colography, so radiographer would of needed time to search it all. There is a high chance that " incidental findings " would be found, ie problems outside the colon, thats what worries me

22-04-16, 16:34
Yeah I've seen patients get results the same day, hours later but the same day they get the all clear from the radiologist or if theres additional testing needed.

If its obvious there was something wrong at first glance (which radiologists are trained to spot those first) then you are usually notified immediately.

25-04-16, 18:21
my results are back, all fine. CT showed no polyps, and no extracolonic findings, although I do have a small hiatal hernia

25-04-16, 18:25
my results are back, all fine. CT showed no polyps, and no extracolonic findings, although I do have a small hiatal hernia

There ya go! Now, you asked when it was going to end. This is the end. Time to treat your anxiety ;) Doing so and some diet modification for the hiatal hernia will do wonders!

Positive thoughts

25-04-16, 18:33
Hiatal hernias are really common and can be alleviated with diet.

Glad to see your test results game back OK though phew! :)

25-04-16, 18:37
There ya go! Now, you asked when it was going to end. This is the end. Time to treat your anxiety ;) Doing so and some diet modification for the hiatal hernia will do wonders!

Positive thoughts

indeed, and the hiatal hernia can explain the pain between shoulder blades and cough, which I confused for potential lung cancer

I'm having a proctogram to test my pelvic floor, then maybe some biofeedback and some colon motility drugs