View Full Version : Off and on?

22-03-16, 17:00
Can these panic attacks go off and on so fast? I can be feeling fine and then all of a sudden it is panic and I'm just blah and nothing seems fun or real.. time passes and I can feel fine and talkative once again. I started these again last Sunday and it has been on and off mostly but mostly on. I finally couldn't take it anymore and needed peace of mind about my heart worries so I went to my doctor whom listened to me and my problems and said it is classic. He prescribed me xanax to take but I didn't take any of it because after the appointment I felt fine and relieved. Now its creeping back so I gave in and took half a dose this morning, it seemed to cut the edge off but I still pretty ansy and thinking things will never be the same. Also doesn't help that my wife just doesn't understand it. Anyone else go through this sort of thing have any advice for me? Thanks


22-03-16, 17:56
what you're describing is pretty common and entirely normal. Panic does come and go, attacks happen at 'random' times when your anxiety levels are high. Saying that, you might not be aware of the ways in which you raise your anxiety levels, hence the panic appearing random and 'on and off'.

It's very difficult for non-sufferers to relate to the feelings that anxiety causes us to feel, and I can't blame them. It's a confusing feeling.
I'd advise taking Xanax as it takes a while for its levels to build up in your bloodstream for you to actually start feeling the effects. I used to take Xanax, and I remember getting on well with it.

Hope you feel better :)

22-03-16, 18:16
Thanks alot. I can see how it is hard for people to understand what exactly is going on through this but I'm certainly glad my wife doesn't have these as I would never wish these on anyone, not even one. Maybe there is an article or two out there that can try to explain to a non panick attack person just what it is and feels like to us. I look forward so much to the times that it is off but usually when it is I am wondering how long it will last and then it creeps its ugly head up again. My doctor did tell me to take them xanax every 6 hours and not wait for it to pop up first but I've always been stubborn (or scared) of all meds so I tried as needed but that appears to be a mistake. Thanks for your advice and insight it is genuinely appreciated.


Edit: Forgot to mention that maybe if my wife seen me in the doctors she would have a little more sympathy... a 39 year old male who couldn't stop crying in the office telling the doctor my story. Everything has been making me tear up, happy or sad

22-03-16, 21:35
I'm fairly certain there is a lot of advice out there on the Internet on how to help understand how an anxiety sufferer feels and what they are going through, so perhaps you might want to suggest to your wife to have a look at some articles.
I know what you mean - I wouldn't wish anxiety on anyone!

I can also relate to what you've said about meds. However, sometimes you need to allow them to help you, i.e. you need to help yourself. Think about it this way: when your anxiety levels are so high, you can't think straight and everything seems to be spinning out of control. You can't possibly control or manage your symptoms in such a heightened emotional state! On the other hand, when your anxiety levels are lower, you can rationalise your thoughts better, talk yourself down, and try and get your feelings under control.

I used to be on 4 different types of meds when I was 16. I hated them, but eventually I withdrew off them all. You can always withdraw; meds aren't a permanent solution. Nobody can force them down your throat. :)

P.S. Irritability and sensitivity are normal with anxiety

22-03-16, 21:46
Thanks, it is so great on here to be with so many people that can relate. This is my go to place for comfort.

23-03-16, 06:55
Can these panic attacks go off and on so fast? I can be feeling fine and then all of a sudden it is panic and I'm just blah Dennis

Oh yes, they can go off an on. It's so bewildering when you have a good day (or even days) and think 'I'm getting better' only to have the symptoms return with a vengeance. That's anxiety for you. I have days where just thinking about how calm I feel actually triggers a panic attack.:scared15:

"Also doesn't help that my wife just doesn't understand it. Anyone else go through this sort of thing have any advice for me? Thanks"

People who have never experienced anxiety problems will struggle to understand it. A person may be able to sympathise with the sufferer but not understand what they are going through. My husband doesn't get it either because he's laid back - so laid back he's practically horizontal - which is great (for him) but he has no idea of what is happening to me so I keep e-mailing him links explaining anxiety and hope that some of it goes in.

23-03-16, 14:00
Thanks Nora, it is so weird to understand. Take yesterday for example, woke up really nervous for no reason but by lunch I was better and all night was really good, best I've felt in a week and a half. I went to sleep and slept until my alarm. This morning upon awakening I start thinking "am I going to get anxious?" and then sure enough I've been pretty anxious all morning but just going on with my business and trying to tell myself it's all anxiety... Easier said than done. Hopefully it will clear and I will feel as good as I did yesterday.

24-03-16, 10:48
Dennis, it's completely normal to have good and bad days. Some days you'll feel like you can accomplish anything,and on other days, your anxiety will be crippling. However, it's important to realise that even when you have a blip or a setback, good days can and will happen again, and you'll be feeling fine again. Keep reminding yourself of how well you're doing on those days when you feel fine, and your confidence will build slowly. :)

24-03-16, 12:24
Dennis this is exactly like me! Wake up & my first thought is "How's my anxiety today?" And then it fades throughout the day until I feel fine by the evening. Then the next morning it starts all over again! But I just accept it now, I tell myself that I might be anxious but I'm going to go about my day as best as I can. It's hard when your partner doesn't understand, mine is the complete opposite of anxious!