View Full Version : Positive appointment with my doc yesterday

22-03-16, 17:36
I am currently in the early stages of being on Paxil. I have a good doc and he always sees his patients every 3-4 weeks in the early stages of them being on anti-depressants , just to be safe and get feedback from them on how they are feeling. First thing I got my blood pressure and heart rate checked, it was 127/79 with a pulse of 62. I was happy with those numbers. Would of liked the first number to be a little lower but it's not too bad. Second number and my pulse are good. I then brought up my concern about my short term memory, forgetting words, mixing up words, forgetting things in general. He reassured me that chronic stress can do this to you and that he was sure I don't have dementia. He said anxiety disorders can make you forget names and just forget things in general, especially in the short term.. and yes he said memory can greatly improve after stress lessens. I'm feeling a lot better and I am confident that once I can stop the stress response for a consistent period of time, my memory will greatly improve.
just because someone is forgetful does not mean they have dementia or alzeimers. Short term memory loss is a symptom of our anxiety disorders, not of something much more serious like dementia or alzeimers. The key is to stop this fight or flight response for a long enough period of time that our memories go back to how they were before.

22-03-16, 17:43
Great news for yourself and glad to see you got a positive outcome. Also great to read such a positive post in general.

I myself have had memory issues for a little while. Just weird small moments of forgetfulness. I actually worried myself to the point of being sick about it. I was assessed by my GP and a psychiatrist and both insisted it was my anxiety. I wasn't convinced and begged for a referral to a specialist. I managed to get one, and she saw me twice and said I have nothing to worry about. Memory issues are a part of anxiety (and medication). I accept that, am no longer worried, and have noticed a big improvement in this area.

22-03-16, 17:52
Exactly @ServerError! glad to hear you are doing better with your memory. It's pretty crazy what stress can do to our minds and bodies, but it's also amazing how we can recover from it. It's a temporary thing, not a permanent.