View Full Version : Working full time

22-03-16, 21:13
Does anyone find working full time really effect their moods ? I work full time but I am finding it really hard as my mood keeps dropping , also followed by bad anxiety. I can feel good for about 5 minutes but the mood drops almost instantly , like a fast roller coaster , it happens the time throughout the day. It's a constant struggle which gets harder everytime I try to raise my mood to a happy level and I am starting to think ill never have steady moods ever again. I saw my mental health worker yesterday so I explained to him what was wrong , he didn't say much about it , he told me he has to see me a few times to see what's wrong. Please tell me I'm not the only one ? I feel so bad and lazy for feeling like this

22-03-16, 22:29
Don't feel bad or lazy. It's so hard doing anything when you're in the grips of anxiety. Working full time is especially hard. How much does your employer know about your situation? Are they able to be flexible about hours and working conditions?

I had 5 weeks signed off earlier this year but I've been back full time for 6 weeks now. It has been hard coping and at times I've felt all kinds of awful, but it's also helpful to have some social interaction and be doing something to distract me from my thoughts. I am lucky to have fairly flexible hours so if I'm really not coping I can go home and make up the hours another day, or go into work late if I don't sleep well. I find taking regular breaks helps, sometimes to go outside for some air and other times just going to get a drink helps. I've chosen to be open with my close colleagues about what I'm going through, which helps because they understand if I'm not feeling great.

22-03-16, 23:29
I work in retail so I'm basically a slave. I'm serious I'm in 4 shops a day ! I wouldn't dream of telling my employer as the management is the worst I've ever come across and they are so into being vicious they have forgotten what it is to be human , I'm not the only who says this , so it's not just me being paranoid: I would like to leave or go part time but not sure I can do it financially as I have bills to pay but to be honest I think I'd struggle to cope in any job