View Full Version : i dont know

Pink Princess
04-03-07, 23:06
i dont know what attacks i have, they change all the time depending where i am or who i am with. but when i am alone in my bedroom i get flashbacks. sometimes it triggers off my breathing and i breathe really fast and it gets really sore to breathe and i start shaking and i get really scared. the things i see feel real and i can feel things on my neck so i keep trying to pull it off even though its not there and i get really stessed that i still feel it. its not until i eventually calm down that i realise i have scrathched my whole neck. i say to myself i just wont touch my neck next time cos i know its not real but when it happens again it feels so real and i dont know im doing it. i dont kow how to stop. its really scary but i cant talk to anyone about it cos noone knows anything. will it ever go away?

05-03-07, 07:41
I was saying to my hubby yesturday that Panic attacks are like a form of OCD. The reason I say this is it is a bad habit that we seem unable to stop doing (ie : the thinking).

Minnie, have your heard of mindfulness ? It can really help stop your mind running away with itself.

Pink Princess
07-03-07, 22:56
thanks for the comments hey have helped a lot, what is mindfullness? i have never heard of it sorry x x x

08-03-07, 08:43
Hi Minnie, Mindfulness is a relatively new form of meditation which is becoming a buzz word amongst therapists. Here's a link to an interesting explanation.
