View Full Version : Regular cold?

22-03-16, 22:28
Sorry to post again.

I have a phlegmy throat and nose.
Head pressure when bend over (feeling of snot in top of nose and forehead)
NO headache
Tickly/chesty cough

Literally it. I feel 100% in myself.
Have bought congestion tablets. Just on a worry.

22-03-16, 22:35
Sounds like a bad cold or allergies causing pressure on your sinuses. Nothing to worry about

22-03-16, 22:42
Every now and then my Sinis will throb

Catherine S
22-03-16, 23:11
Is this your first cold? People are helping you on your other thread about this, is it really necessary to start another one? just do what you normally do and bump the other thread. But now that i'm replying on this one, hoping this will help.

Symptoms of the common cold:

Sneezing, coughing..including coughing up phlem, sore throat, headache, earache, blocked sinuses, loss of appetite, aching bones, aching eyeballs. Take paracetamol and drink lots of tomato soup.

Symptoms of flu:

All of the above, plus dizziness on the route from bed to bathroom. Take paracetamol, probably also antibiotics and chicken soup.

23-03-16, 01:24
Is this your first cold? People are helping you on your other thread about this, is it really necessary to start another one? just do what you normally do and bump the other thread.

Gotta agree here... that 90% just fine is looking quite the opposite based on what I'm seeing and reading. Do what you feel you need to do but it's quite apparent this is not helping you :(

Positive thoughts

23-03-16, 09:20
I have throbbing sinuses and random head pressure even now sat :( with cough and mucus.

It's the head pressure that worries me.

---------- Post added at 09:20 ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 ----------

I worry it's a, oh dear, brain issue. . .

23-03-16, 11:56
It's sinuses

23-03-16, 13:02
Have you started the CBT?

23-03-16, 14:51
Not yet.

I'm now worried its a sign of aneurysn (I was OBSSESED with these last year and got over them) as pain around the eye. But thjs is where sinus sacks are right?

---------- Post added at 14:51 ---------- Previous post was at 13:27 ----------

I'm worrying so mucb it's a BT. Head aches when lean forward and throbs - still sinus?

23-03-16, 14:56
If you truly think it's a BT or some other sinister disease or malady, stop asking a forum full of anxiety sufferers and just go to the doctor :shrug:

Positive thoughts

23-03-16, 15:03
I want to know if anyone is concerned?

---------- Post added at 15:03 ---------- Previous post was at 15:03 ----------

I have congested nostril.

23-03-16, 15:12
The problem is, we're not medical professionals. I'm just Joe Bloggs from the north west of England who happens to suffer from anxiety.

It sounds to me like you have a cold. But if you can't accept that and the fact several others think the same thing, see a doctor. But if (more than likely when) they tell you you have a cold, do try to believe them.

23-03-16, 15:14
You're obviously concerned. Reb, it's probably time to see a Doctor. I'm worried about a BT as well but I think I'm taking the necessary steps. I seen a Doctor, she did a quick neuro test on me and isn't concerned. I'm still a bit worried but I was prescribed Zoloft and Xanax (as needed). I'm going to see if this helps any. I've been waking up feeling nauseous every morning and have a headache and jolts and stuff in my head on the daily. The headache pain isn't horrible, though as I've still worked everyday. The Doc thinks it might be tension. I just went this morning for a couple more blood tests that she recommended. I'm constantly clearing my throat and it feels congested and has for quote sometime and I wake up with my nose plugged everyday.

Just sharing a little of my story, I'm trying to help myself by seeing the Doctor and taking the Zoloft as it was prescribed. You need to help yourself by going in and dealing with these issues. Everyone is trying to help you and it's almost like you're not reading the replies. Please get some help!!

Catherine S
23-03-16, 15:18
Who the hell do you think you are lady? To come here and play your games like you do when you're bored. You're an insult to the reason this forum was set up in the first place. There are people here who are really ill, and I mean really mentally ill, and you're a complete and utter insult to them. They reply constantly to your silly demands even though they are suffering dreadfully themselves and you completely ignore them. You're a disgrace and should have been asked to leave long ago.

A blocked nostril? If you were in front of me right now lady, i'd happily block the other one too!

23-03-16, 15:49
I am suffering with health anxiety. Why do you think I'm here for the fun of it.
It's through reading so many websites that I'm aware of symptoms for so many things then worry when I have them. I'm sure it's nasal but the fear of kt being something else terrifies me.

23-03-16, 15:56
I am suffering with health anxiety. Why do you think I'm here for the fun of it.
It's through reading so many websites that I'm aware of symptoms for so many things then worry when I have them. I'm sure it's nasal but the fear of kt being something else terrifies me.

Why does it seem like you ignore a lot of the positive posts and the people recommending seeing a doctor? I don't think you're trolling, because I think that would be a low, low thing for somebody to do, but I can see why some would. You need some help, Reb and that's okay. Pretty much every single person here does!!

Catherine S
23-03-16, 15:58
Yes, as it happens I do think you're here for the fun of it, as do alot of other members but too scared to say it. Your attitude, ungraciousness and ungratefulness is just about enough. You demand to know if anyone is concerned? To be honest with you I don't think anybody is anymore. The idea that you are a troll and not a person in genuine need has been shared before too. The forum's had its share over the years.

There is a story about Peter and the Wolf. Google that.

23-03-16, 16:05

It sounds like a sinus issue. Please go see a doctor. If you have an infection they can provide antibiotics to clear it up. They really can be quite painful, and yes, they can make your eyes hurt too.

What concerns me is that you constantly tout that you are 90% okay but your post frequency and the fact that you both can't believe what people are saying to you and instead spiral out of control in regards to your fears suggest that you don't have as good of a handle on this as you think. There's no shame in that, but it is something that needs addressing.

Please, try the CBT. Hopefully it works. Based on your posts, I imagine you're going to need therapy and/or meds in addition to it, but I could be wrong.

23-03-16, 16:08
I am not a troll do f*cks sake.

I have health anxiety.
Since last July ive worried about every and other disease and illness you could think of. I'm come close to losing my boyfriend and even Aunt through my obssesove thoughts.
I'm not proud I'm this way, who would be.
And the fact you think I'm a troll is out of order. I've heard from other members that they feel bullied on here when expressing themselves.


---------- Post added at 16:08 ---------- Previous post was at 16:07 ----------

And thanks for mentioning Peter and the wolf. Wonderful you are.

Poppy, I know I'm spiralling out of control. Thanks for understand.

Catherine S
23-03-16, 16:15
Having health anxiety is one thing, being rude and demanding is quite another. You'd get more sympathy if you had a little more respect for the feelings of others, especially those members kind enough to take the time to talk to you, and reassure you, instead of behaving like a spoilt child. Alot of women on here are really suffering and crawling out of bed too look after children every day, yet they take the time to make you feel better. So stop with the tantrums ok?

23-03-16, 16:31
As per the forum rules can we please refrain from insulting comments on threads.

"While debating and discussion is fine, No More Panic does not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks"

23-03-16, 16:44
So my health anxiety isn't as important as anybody else's? I see quite a few people post daily. It's no fun for me or them. Where have I had a tantrum?! Where do I demand attention? I thought I was melodramatic...

---------- Post added at 16:44 ---------- Previous post was at 16:43 ----------

Nick i don't know why I'm scared to doctors regarding anxiety.

23-03-16, 16:47

You're now focused on the criticism you've received in a three-page thread mostly full of people trying to help. This is understandable if you feel you are genuine and have been slighted.

Try to take on board the positive posts and advice. It's still there. I choose to believe you're genuine (call me naive) but I can't see what more we can do for you. It really doesn't sound like you have anything physical seriously wrong with you. But if you are truly concerned, see your doctor. They HAVE to take you seriously.

23-03-16, 16:59
I truly do take on board what people say but those with Anxiety IT really doesn't help. I think i need to leave this forum. I don't understand why anybody would troll a forum considering most of only found this by a Google search of silly symptoms.

23-03-16, 17:00
Please can we calm things down and stop throwing accusations and insults around.

23-03-16, 17:09
I don't know if that was aimed at me but I only ever mean to be helpful and was not trying to insult anyone. My heart goes out to anyone suffering, especially those who can't find any peace or reassurance at all.

Catherine S
23-03-16, 17:22
Server, it's ok..its not your responsibility, i started this so it's mine. Nic knows me and slaps me around from time to time :shades:

23-03-16, 17:25
Are you regularly like this then? Who are you to decide someones post real or not? And don't say admin. You can clarify if someone is really concerned through a few words on a screen?

23-03-16, 17:27

I also am not going to call you out as a troll. I don't think that's fair to you. But you'd be surprised what people will do on the Internet!

It's funny that you mention your fear of seeing a doctor about your anxiety. I just got out of an appointment with my psychiatrist where he upped my medication. He asked me if I was apprehensive about raising the dose. I told him I was a bit, but after some thought I realized and admitted to him that I'm apprehensive about a lot of things these days...why not give it a try. He thought that was amusing, and so true. :)

Without wanting to write too much about me in your thread, when I started trying to find help I thought of the route that I was most comfortable going, seeing the individual I was most comfortable talking to. That turned out to be a university counselor - I could do it without my family having to know and see what happens. It snowballed from there - for the better!! One exercise we've done a lot whenever I'm nervous about a doctor or psych appointment is determine what my "worst case" scenario is - what do I fear the most about what will happen? Then we decide how to react if that does happen (it hasn't yet!)

Would it be possible for you to do something similar?

It's hard and it's scary to face up to anxiety. My psych told me this today as well - what typically happens is the person wants to get better but can't imagine what that is like so they fear things getting worse instead and it kind of backfires. But you can beat this, you just need more help!

Reaching out to professionals at the very least can put some people in your corner if you need them.

Anyway, I'll stop preaching. Ultimately the decision is yours. I think we've seen before here members who are in a nasty spiral and can't or won't take advice to help themselves. It can be frustrating, for sure, but anxiety is nasty in that way.

23-03-16, 17:38
I truly do take on board what people say but those with Anxiety IT really doesn't help.

You're publicly admitting that posting isn't helping you. You're also basically saying it's no use to respond because that's where you're at now.

I think that's part of the issue and your statement isn't entirely true. In the time I've spent here on the forum, I've seen many take on the advice and seek help. I still get personal notes from time to time from members that have moved on and are doing well. Nothing will change unless you take the bull by the horns and do something. 4 posts a day about similar things just makes it worse IMO.

You're gong to do what you want and no words or advice will change that. One can only hope that something gets through and you treat your real illness.

Good luck Reb and as always....

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
23-03-16, 17:44
I'm only like it with disrespectful people Reb, which you have been for a very long time, and your attitude on this thread is what prompted me to react the way I did.

I might be the one with the loudest voice on this thread, but i'm not the only one to have a go at you on it either am I. Take all the advice you're being given.

23-03-16, 17:59
I think it's because I feel silly. When k first had health anxiety I would go the doctors about most things, now it's the opposite and it's either a) i look silly. I've been told off by nurses and given a 'really' stern look or b) they'll confirm worst fear.

You know, I said the other day I'm not addicted to thinggs but I clearly am. To manifesting my anxieties online. It used to be a Google job but now you all get my ramblings of which im sory about. I guess online nobody knows who we are so it isn't as embarrassing.

---------- Post added at 17:57 ---------- Previous post was at 17:56 ----------

Opposite in that I avoid docs, and when I do I have slight panic attacks. I always mention o have anxiety and they say I shouldn't worry at my age.

---------- Post added at 17:58 ---------- Previous post was at 17:57 ----------

You still haven't shown me where I've been disrespectful?

---------- Post added at 17:59 ---------- Previous post was at 17:58 ----------

And my attitude? I'm talking to you the way you're talking to me.

23-03-16, 18:02
Again please keep comments respectful to each other.

Catherine S
23-03-16, 18:05
I know that the forum provides a safe place, somewhere to ask all the silly questions you feel you can't keep asking your doctor and I get that believe it or not, I do get that...I was there myself in the past or else why would I have joined ? I remember how the fear of serious illness and thinking we're dying can affect us. Your attitude today, accusing people of not caring made me really angry, when you've had so many people trying to help you. But I apologise for shouting at you the way I did. I shouldn't have done that.

I hope you get the help you need.

23-03-16, 18:22

I felt silly too. I may have even started a thread on the matter! There are still times I feel ridiculous, tell myself I'm not that bad, belittle myself because I can't get past this on my own.

Then I have days where my anxious thoughts spin in a circle all day or I can barely get out of bed. Those days I accept much more easily that I need help.

Funnily enough, not a single person thought I was silly. Every new appointment I expected it but it didn't happen. They knew I needed help and were happy to give it.

I do realize I'm lucky to have the support system I do (and that I'm still on my parents' health insurance!) I know you're in the UK so things are different. Is there any way you could speak to a therapist first? They may know of some help. Have you tried seeing your doctor JUST to discuss anxiety? They may take it more seriously if that's the point of the appointment and not an afterthought. It's also helpful to write things down beforehand or get an app to track your anxieties so you have a hard copy to refer to.

23-03-16, 18:40
Do you just make appointment with a GP?

23-03-16, 18:49
Yes, I did.

EDIT: more specifically, I went and poured my heart out to a therapist at my university, who suggested I both speak with my mother and make an appointment with my GP. I did both (it was hard!). After a very tearful doctors appointment, he referred me to a psychiatrist, prescribed a temporary medication (that I no longer take), and scheduled a follow up. He initially started me out on a very low dose of Lexapro, which my psych has increased, and my psych added a benzo as well.

So I now see a psych - I see him next in a month - and have therapy every week or two. It's too early to say if it's helping but I do think it's helping some and at least I can say I've taken some steps toward getting better.

23-03-16, 19:33
Hello Reb, I have no idea what is going on on this threat and I don't particularly want to get involved but if you are genuine then I would definitely advise you to speak to your GP but it does not sound like much to worry about!! I have had a cold for about the last two weeks, bizarrely even with my health anxiety I am actually NOT concerned about this because my husband has exactly the same thing. It is a weird one - not as heavy as a normal cold but more milder, sinusy, ongoing symptoms that are making me feel grotty. This has happened to a few people I know lately. But it is worth a chat to the GP if you are this worried.

23-03-16, 21:28
I think my boyfriends mom has it too. It's the head pressure I worry about. Spoke with a nurse who said it's sinusy.

23-03-16, 23:11
One person's trivial is another person's major anxiety.

When I was really bad I had so many issues about the most trivial things. That was part of my OCD, it was never much of a issue with the GAD that came first. Not wearing the right t-shirt, not eating the right way and at certain times with the same fork and if meals differed to the expected then it was a trigger.

I don't have reassurance as part of my anxiety, never have. When I see things going on like this, it makes me wonder how I would have been perceived & treated on here. It feels like there is a definition other than medical about anxiety and veering outside of people's perceptions can cause skepticism.

It's certainly true that there are people like this across the forum but some seem accepted to post daily, some don't. How trivial the issue seems to play a part but it's usually HA or another factor that seem to play a part since I've been here.

Seriously though, some of us are seeing this from both sides and it's not a case of the forum because from my experience, things are not always as they seem and it's so often just a few people.

23-03-16, 23:33
I guess my reassurance comes form googling when anxiety started.

My aunt* had cancer removed around same time I had cervicAl cancer scare (spotted, pain). This was it started. I don't know exact date but around this time. I had gone from the supportive dare I say YOLO attitude supporting my aunt to worrying about every stupid little thing that I have. Who would want this? Really? Who wants to ignore loved ones because they're online self diagnosing? I've cut down on the Google but upped the NMP. Like swapping crack for heroin I guess ha.

I don't like being spoken about like im not here. I don't like this has become a drama. Certain people assume I'm a troll when that's the worst to you can do with someone with HA. Knock 'em while they're down.

---------- Post added at 23:33 ---------- Previous post was at 23:29 ----------

I had a cervical cancer scare that's what stemmed my anxiety. I always had general anxiety but it was very controlled.

With the scare Id googled so much I was convinced. I was in tears at the doctors. She told me there and then Dr Google isn't qualified. Did I listen then? For a bit. I was releived I was clear but then it was breast cancer and then lymphoma and then everything else. I think I've gone through everything but something new comes along and surprises me. How Istillbelieve thinks I'm a troll is beyond me. What young woman wants to spend her spare time like this?

Catherine S
23-03-16, 23:36
Yes thank you Terry. The trouble you are referring to was over some hours ago now and there has been an apology made...not acknowledged mind you, but made nevertheless, and the thread has been back on track ever since with people reassuring the OP as per usual, so you're a little late with your take on it. I'm surprised you didn't do your usual post disecting on me. Progress indeed.


Reb. I offered you an apology, but what you seem incapable of doing is looking back at your posts to see the reasons why people have a go and think you aren't genuine. I reacted or I should say I over-reacted because you were accusing people of not caring. You have not once acknowledged that, nor apologised for it. It works both ways. But i'm not gonna get back into this again.

Take care.

23-03-16, 23:40
I am the OP...

23-03-16, 23:40
There's a myth I think, that an anxiety forum is just for anxiety disorders. Yet there are people in here with more intense & complex disorders too e.g. bipolar, personality disorders etc. Some of these can mean more intense destructive and less self aware behaviours. They can be extreme too.

I think it helps to remember that.

On another note, I've known people who are afraid to post on here when they see these disputes as they worry they will have the same. We try to reassure them it's not the case but it's something to think about when people could perhaps raise issues to Admin if they have concerns.

23-03-16, 23:49
Terry I hope you're not insinuating that I have these other 'issues'?

I think it's disgusting the way ive been treated, honestly.

---------- Post added at 23:49 ---------- Previous post was at 23:45 ----------

I have not once given attitude or accused people of not caring. If it has seemed that way I apologise but I don't have anything as such as a feisty temper when spoken to like a child.

24-03-16, 00:13
No Reb, I'm not implying that at all. What I'm saying is that mental health is not narrow and so we should be open to differences in behaviours and personality.

For instance, there are many people who use social networking to post constantly about anything. Some people post on Facebook & Twitter about a plate of chips they are about to eat. So, for people who may use the sites more often, their preferences will likely overlap into their mental health issues too.

---------- Post added at 00:13 ---------- Previous post was at 00:04 ----------

Yes thank you Terry. The trouble you are referring to was over some hours ago now and there has been an apology made...not acknowledged mind you, but made nevertheless, and the thread has been back on track ever since with people reassuring the OP as per usual, so you're a little late with your take on it. I'm surprised you didn't do your usual post disecting on me. Progress indeed.


Reb. I offered you an apology, but what you seem incapable of doing is looking back at your posts to see the reasons why people have a go and think you aren't genuine. I reacted or I should say I over-reacted because you were accusing people of not caring. You have not once acknowledged that, nor apologised for it. It works both ways. But i'm not gonna get back into this again.

Take care.

It's an open forum and I come on here later hence I post later

Reb bumped thread but sure hasn't said people don't care, she's thanked some. Her reaction about her worries not being add important came from the altercation. So, is obviously based on assumption that posting again means ignoring people. That's just a pattern in disorders, it's all over the forum and the only difference is the post frequency.

Catherine S
24-03-16, 00:24
You seriously need to leave me alone. I really don't appreciate you following me around the boards, because you're just starting trouble again. Your comments are directed at me...and please don't insult me by saying they are not because we've been here before haven't we Terry. I suggest you leave this alone now ok? And i'm asking politely as a fellow member. Please don't create more trouble on this thread.

24-03-16, 00:48
I'll tell you what I see as a newbie....some people post all the time over what some would say are trivial things. Now, having anxiety myself and some amazingly ridiculous triggers I am aware that we all have weird stuff to deal with, however, just in my opinion, the peeps that have this cycle of posting continuously seem (and I only mean seem - I am not trivialising or being rude or making judgement) that they are not actually sorting out the core issue of their actual anxiety and that is by getting help from a professional. I know I would love constant reassurance for my anxiety but most of it is so far out there that no-one would even know how to answer. No-one can reassure a meta worrier! So maybe it's jealousy that I can't google why I worry about worrying? Or maybe it's jealousy that you can kind of live a life with HA whilst others are crippled with fear. Or maybe it's dude, how can you live with this and not want to sort it out? I think those are the types of things some think and they are not meant to belittle anyone else's suffering or experiences...I would like to think us anxiety lot are in it together...no matter what our particular quirks or thoughts are ...anyway, sorry Reb to hijack your post...sinus issues are very painful so get some paracetamol and steam on your face xx

Catherine S
24-03-16, 01:01
Very nicely put Xtrastrong, but I've already seen your reply on beckie4567 's thread which kind of says the opposite. Can I not just ask, that if anybody posting on this flippin thread, can you please stick to the subject that Reb90 has asked about? And not constantly referring to the flippin argument! I. Have. Apologised...and also had to apologise to admins so can we not leave it there unless it's to answer her health question. Thank you in anticipation.

24-03-16, 01:03
Sudafed, Paracetamol, Vicks on your chest and a hot steamy shower is a way forward.

And stay away from Dr Google.. says me.. lol

24-03-16, 01:41
Regular cold?

Yes.. *&%$ YES! OMG YES!!!! Now, just let it the (*&# go, take your OTC meds and move on!

Positive thoughts

24-03-16, 02:38
I'll tell you what I see as a newbie....some people post all the time over what some would say are trivial things. Now, having anxiety myself and some amazingly ridiculous triggers I am aware that we all have weird stuff to deal with, however, just in my opinion, the peeps that have this cycle of posting continuously seem (and I only mean seem - I am not trivialising or being rude or making judgement) that they are not actually sorting out the core issue of their actual anxiety and that is by getting help from a professional. I know I would love constant reassurance for my anxiety but most of it is so far out there that no-one would even know how to answer. No-one can reassure a meta worrier! So maybe it's jealousy that I can't google why I worry about worrying? Or maybe it's jealousy that you can kind of live a life with HA whilst others are crippled with fear. Or maybe it's dude, how can you live with this and not want to sort it out? I think those are the types of things some think and they are not meant to belittle anyone else's suffering or experiences...I would like to think us anxiety lot are in it together...no matter what our particular quirks or thoughts are ...anyway, sorry Reb to hijack your post...sinus issues are very painful so get some paracetamol and steam on your face xx

But don't assume that because people don't post that they are working on recovery and moving forward. I get stuck in loads of ruts, I don't post about it though. I know plenty like that and it was the same at the charity walk ins.

24-03-16, 08:43
Sorry to post again.

I have a phlegmy throat and nose.
Head pressure when bend over (feeling of snot in top of nose and forehead)
NO headache
Tickly/chesty cough

Literally it. I feel 100% in myself.
Have bought congestion tablets. Just on a worry.

Same here. Allergies and cold killing me.. and makes me crazy.. Sorry you feel bad too,hope you feel better soon.

---------- Post added at 01:43 ---------- Previous post was at 01:41 ----------

Is this your first cold? People are helping you on your other thread about this, is it really necessary to start another one? just do what you normally do and bump the other thread. But now that i'm replying on this one, hoping this will help.

Symptoms of the common cold:

Sneezing, coughing..including coughing up phlem, sore throat, headache, earache, blocked sinuses, loss of appetite, aching bones, aching eyeballs. Take paracetamol and drink lots of tomato soup.

Symptoms of flu:

All of the above, plus dizziness on the route from bed to bathroom. Take paracetamol, probably also antibiotics and chicken soup.

Thank you ISB. I was curious as to loss of appetite and blocked sinuses and such.Thanks for your list. I really appreciate it .

24-03-16, 08:45
You seriously need to leave me alone. I really don't appreciate you following me around the boards, because you're just starting trouble again. Your comments are directed at me...and please don't insult me by saying they are not because we've been here before haven't we Terry. I suggest you leave this alone now ok? And i'm asking politely as a fellow member. Please don't create more trouble on this thread.


Please stop making these absurd claims. For the second time, everyone can see it was YOU. As I'm sure everyone with eyes & who can read can see - I am not following you around on these boards and I am not even posting on the same threads as you most of the time, yet that doesn't seem to fit your narrow view thus it is discounted. :doh: I'm busy enough doing my own thing on here as usual.

I would also suggest that you leave the other issue you are trying to bring onto the forum and that you are NOT aware of the true facts merely what certain people may be telling you and that I'm sure Nic won't be particularly pleased about.

Nic - you need to look at this situation, clearly there is some collaboration going on here as Cath should not even be aware of what she is dripping into threads bit by bit to suit her agenda, or perhaps that of someone else? There are people on here who may have experienced REAL harassment, bullying or targeting and it is very disrespectful to flaunt such serious issues in an attempt to make other members (namely me) look suspicious to others due to some personal issue that I'm not even aware of that has suddenly appeared in the last week. I don't appreciate such attempts at defamation.

I suggest you also look at what has gone on not just in this thread but 2 previous ones of the OP's alone to see that inflammatory posting is occurring due to some purpose and how this impacts on the anxiety of not only the OP but others around here. It is unfair to all.

24-03-16, 08:54
Uh oh.. I didn't see all the above.. uh sorry ...this is all going on. I was just posting a response to the OP. Wow.. ummm .. I will just move on now. thanks

24-03-16, 09:11
Uh oh.. I didn't see all the above.. uh sorry ...this is all going on. I was just posting a response to the OP. Wow.. ummm .. I will just move on now. thanks

Nah, you're fine. Nothing to worry about, it's a separate issue so you have nothing to apologise for.

Catherine S
24-03-16, 13:04
I have no kind of agenda Terry, and the reason I suggest that you follow me around is that you copy and paste my posts constantly, before having a go at what i'm saying in them. I'm not saying don't have an opinion, but stop singling my opinions out and coping them into your posts, and then completely take over the thread and telling anybody else who joins it to just ignore my comments and make me out to be some kind of awful person. I'm really tired of it.

As for my reason for my outburst. ...which I have apologised for sooooo many times now, that reaction didn't come from nowhere Terry, try reading through the thread again, and unless Reb has deleted that particular part, you can see clearly why I was angry with her.

As for agendas, there are none, not on my part anyway. I speak as I find and if Nic or any of the admins tell me i've overstepped, then I always apologise. But i'm not sure why you want to keep the now long gone blip on this thread going, rather than just sticking to the subject of it. I'm only coming on the thread to defend myself against you Terry, otherwise I wouldn't be commenting on it at all now. And if you like having the last word, then please do, but that's the end of the matter as far as my involvement in this goes.

Have a good day

24-03-16, 13:28
I'll tell you what I see as a newbie....some people post all the time over what some would say are trivial things. Now, having anxiety myself and some amazingly ridiculous triggers I am aware that we all have weird stuff to deal with, however, just in my opinion, the peeps that have this cycle of posting continuously seem (and I only mean seem - I am not trivialising or being rude or making judgement) that they are not actually sorting out the core issue of their actual anxiety and that is by getting help from a professional. I know I would love constant reassurance for my anxiety but most of it is so far out there that no-one would even know how to answer. No-one can reassure a meta worrier! So maybe it's jealousy that I can't google why I worry about worrying? Or maybe it's jealousy that you can kind of live a life with HA whilst others are crippled with fear. Or maybe it's dude, how can you live with this and not want to sort it out? I think those are the types of things some think and they are not meant to belittle anyone else's suffering or experiences...I would like to think us anxiety lot are in it together...no matter what our particular quirks or thoughts are ...anyway, sorry Reb to hijack your post...sinus issues are very painful so get some paracetamol and steam on your face xx
This is a ridiculously insightful post for someone who's new to this forum, and I agree wholeheartedly that the more someone posts on NMP, the less time they are spending in the real world. That's exactly what I was doing, I made hundreds of posts every week just to hide from the anxieties in the real world. I wasn't making new friends in real life, in fact I recall being quite confrontational online too... it just wasn't working out. In fact, the citalopram survival guide came about due to obsession and illness. My desire to help others is, and always was genuine, but yeah, it was another symptom.

Life is harder in the real world but ultimately the only way to conquer fear is to live your life in the face of it, and train yourself to understand that just because you fear something, that doesn't mean it will ever happen. To believe otherwise is basically "magical thinking", believing your thoughts influence reality.

What worked for me was to draw a line under NMP and not visit it or think about it for months; to get in touch with old friends, and explain some of what I'm going through to them so I wasn't carrying it alone; to really think about what I wanted from therapy, then working on it; to not confuse therapists or online personalities with "real life" friends. In a sense, it was a "go forth and multiply" approach, and ironically it did result in relationships and interactions with the opposite sex which have made me much tougher, more confident about myself and more wary.

None of these experiences would have been possible if I'd just sat online all day talking about problems. And that's the kicker about anxiety: it makes it so hard for you to do the things you need to do to beat it, but once you break through the worst of it, it's often hard to remember WHY you were so impaired. "Pain, once over, cannot properly be remembered" I think is a phrase I once read.

24-03-16, 14:31
I have no kind of agenda Terry, and the reason I suggest that you follow me around is that you copy and paste my posts constantly, before having a go at what i'm saying in them. I'm not saying don't have an opinion, but stop singling my opinions out and coping them into your posts, and then completely take over the thread and telling anybody else who joins it to just ignore my comments and make me out to be some kind of awful person. I'm really tired of it.

As for my reason for my outburst. ...which I have apologised for sooooo many times now, that reaction didn't come from nowhere Terry, try reading through the thread again, and unless Reb has deleted that particular part, you can see clearly why I was angry with her.

As for agendas, there are none, not on my part anyway. I speak as I find and if Nic or any of the admins tell me i've overstepped, then I always apologise. But i'm not sure why you want to keep the now long gone blip on this thread going, rather than just sticking to the subject of it. I'm only coming on the thread to defend myself against you Terry, otherwise I wouldn't be commenting on it at all now. And if you like having the last word, then please do, but that's the end of the matter as far as my involvement in this goes.

Have a good day

I'm afraid you've lost me. If by copy & paste it looks like this message does, that's the quote facility in the thread. I have used that yes, I haven't copied & pasted anything.

You are not being singled out at all. If you post something to me on a thread, I reply to you. There is nothing wrong with that.

I can't see anything telling people to ignore your comments. Just because I post my opinion on what has happened here, I suggest you don't presume it is about you. And it wasn't as far as I'm concerned and it's something I've been saying before you even came back when similiar things have happened. If I want to say something to you, I can happily hit reply.

We are all entitled to our opinions, it is not taking over a thread. I just wish the arguments would stop on here and I guess I never learn because this is twice I've suggested people not get upset by a thread and I've ended up with all this hassle.

I can't find what you refer to about Reb's comment as I looked before posting last night to understand what you meant. :shrug:

The other issue, is something else that shouldn't be on the forum hence it's for Nic. It's between 2 people only.

I think we will have to agree to disagree, I can't say I wanted your personal insults on the other threads, but there is no need to apologise.

24-03-16, 15:02
Intense thread, lol

24-03-16, 15:08
I am very much in the real world, and I know that wasn't an insult :) anxiety doesn't affect my social life tbh, it's like an alter ego those closest know I have. It's a part of me I need to knock down a few pegs as there are days she wants all the attention and calming down and j have a job to do so I plonk her on here (referring to self as two people doesn't mean I have split personality, not that that's a bad thing!) I have days like yesteday when I'm so very consumed my anxious thoughts but I followed advice and spoke to somebody in the know who told me it was sinus, recommended a medication which is working.

---------- Post added at 15:08 ---------- Previous post was at 15:06 ----------

And I still have no idea where I've said nobody cares?! Please point it out to me. I think you've misinterpreted something ive said along the lines of is anyone concerned? Meaning would anyone think this is worth a trip to docs? *at the time, anxiety is tame atm.