View Full Version : Please can someone help?

23-03-16, 13:52
Hi, I have like a weird sensation in the left side of my head above my eye, sometimes behind my eye and it goes down to the left side of my nose sometimes.
It started when my anxiety started bad again last Friday.
I'm constantly focusing on it and it's making the rest of my body anxious and I feel like I'll never feel ok again.
Do you think anxiety has caused the sensations on my face?

Thanks for any help

24-03-16, 05:51
I hate to say it but yes..I just explained to another member.. We all get lots and lots of freaky weird sensations all the time in our bodies. Some last for days and weeks others last a few seconds and most people don't even notice them because they are too busy doing other things. I think the reason some of us have sensations that last and last is because our anxiety magnifies the sensation and also produces it even after it has left. I am not a doctor but a fellow member at age 61 that has outlasted many of an anxious sensation. So hope that helps you .. If you are worried I feel obligated to always say to go to the doctor.. but I feel assured you just have anxiety like the rest of us. Have a good evening and take care.

24-03-16, 16:59
I completely agree with the above poster. Anxiety can most certainly cause these kind of sensations and many many more. Hope you feel better soon!