View Full Version : Help

23-03-16, 17:38
Please could somebody suggest how I could get help?

For the last year I have been experiencing increased anxiety and ocd but recently it has got a lot worse. I am now worried and concerned about the extent to which it has increased.

I tried to go to a private counsellor but I didn't think that they were the right person and they didn't do cbt which is what I need. They only did talking therapy.

I don't really know where to turn for help, and I don't want it to get any worse.

23-03-16, 18:17
Hi zx123, Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time. It will pass though just remember that, it always does.

On the issue of getting help you have various options. Of course you can try your Doctor/GP and they may be able to refer you on for some CBT or counselling. If you have already done that or cant for whatever reason then there are charities like "Mind" that you can call and they will be able to advise you on where you get help, there is also "rethink.org" that can also give you advise on where to go. There really is lots of help around so don't worry. Just a quick internet search will bring up lots of different services where you can find help and support.

You say you went to a private counselor, if they weren't the right one for you there are thousands of other therapists out there so if you are still able to go private and would like CBT then you can search google for a CBT therapist near your area, there are lots around.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask and I hope you start to feel better soon.

23-03-16, 20:54
I'm sorry to hear things are so tough for you. I would really recommend going to a GP and if you don't get good support from them I would recommend not giving up and seeing another. You can also self refer to IAPT who should be able to get you CBT but the waiting list can be pretty long so you might want to go private as gottagetthroughthis suggested.

It can be really hard to seek out help and support but I think the best we can do for ourselves is to make sure we get medical advice and not let people fob you off.

All the best.

24-03-16, 09:26
Thanks for the information.