View Full Version : Health anxiety heightened by my job?

23-03-16, 18:19
One of my recent health worries was that I had periodontal disease.. this went on for about a month due to having to wait for a dental appointment. As my boyfriend/friends & family predicted :doh:- my teeth were absolutely fine, and in great condition seeing as I hadn't been since I was 17 (I'm now 22, having a brace put me off/kick started my dentist worries!)
I mentioned to the dentist that I was now working in supported living with people suffering with mental health problems, and she asked if I maybe thought that I might be copying behaviours from work, or that due to working closely with individuals with anxiety issues/hypochondria it was making me think more into my issues with anxiety.
Does anyone maybe have any input or opinion onto this subject? I'd never really thought of this as such previously, and have been considering what she said ever since!

(Abit of background seeing as I'm new! I have suffered with heightened anxiety since I can remember, particularly worrying that I wont be liked by peers/coworkers, feeling foolish when out in public eg/ ordering food, health anxiety and some behaviours such as routines for locking doors/setting alarms. I have done a 6 week CBT course which has helped a lot but anxieties do rear their head every once in a while! I also feel that working in care has helped me be more socialised with people, I rarely feel embarrassed or shy with new people anymore)

thanks for reading! :)

23-03-16, 18:25
Interesting... It's the whole nature vs. nurture subject and has been discussed here before.

Personally, I believe we're influenced by our environment and those around us. For example, where I work, there's an individual who suffers from extreme anxiety, depression and other mental issues. I find just dealing with her gets me agitated and frustrated and I avoid her as much as I can. When I do have to interact, I try to be brief and concise as to limit contact.

So yes, it's certainly feasible that your anxiety is being fed by those suffering around you.

Positive thoughts