View Full Version : New here!!

23-03-16, 22:22
Just wanted to introduce myself. I have been diagnosed with GAD but I am convinced that I have health anxiety. I constantly think something is wrong with me. I have had 4 ct scans in the last two months, numerous blood tests, EGD and at least two trips to the ER.

There isn't a day a wake up feeling good. I still get by most of the time with work and taking care of a toddler.

I am at an all time low lately. I feel like this is never going to get better.

I also stopped taking Pristiq a few weeks ago and will be starting cymbalta tomorrow. Hoping that will provide some relief.

Hoping joining this forum will help too!!

23-03-16, 22:28
Welcome! I love the user name you picked... We've got to have a sense of humor! I, too have a toddler, and I suffer from pretty severe health anxiety, but I do go to CBT and that has definitely helped... I encourage you to look into it! And just a friendly FYI... This forum can be helpful, but it can also bring on new anxieties if you see people posting about something you haven't thought of yet, so just be cautious!! Positive thoughts.

23-03-16, 22:36
Good point! Thank you!! I see a counselor but I don't know if she does CBT. I am really comfortable with her and have seen her for years. I guess I should ask, right!? Thank you for your response!!

23-03-16, 22:37
Welcome! It's helped me quite a bit, I believe. It has at least given me hope that I can get through this and that maybe it really is just anxiety... Still not sure yet, but welcome and enjoy your time here, there are some really nice and knowledgeable people!

23-03-16, 23:37
Welcome. We will get through this.