View Full Version : Lung Ct

24-03-16, 00:12
Had a lung ct last year and they found 2 benign nodules. Dr says I don't need a followup to see if they have grown a year after the fact. Is that wrong should I be pressuring to see if they grew. I was a heavy smoker and exposed to many different chemicals. illegal and legal in my days.

I get
*lung pains now
*a cough
*left shoulder and arm pain
they are saying that is my asthma (brochiole asthma) and that I do not need a yearly follow up of cts to c if nodules are growing... worried, it all happened after i ended up smoking something very bad in jan wich was a big big mistake (on the plus i do not have copd my resp said, but I forgot to ask him about my ct. He never saw it my family dr did tho.

My fam dr says not to worry even tho I saw that there was 2 benign nodules, thought you had to do follow up on them? I had a normal chest xray twice this year and my resp says they are clean. Should I go for a ct again of my lungs or just let it be and accept this pain and such is most likely asthma.

27/m canada

24-03-16, 20:13
Dr said today that Canada has ct scans that can depict good and bad nodules now for the lungs. He explained that if the radiologist saw a possible cancerous nodule that he would then say a follow up is needed

24-03-16, 20:17
Trust them. I have a cyst on my right testicle, have had it for 15 years. They said it was benign, and here I am, 15 years later, never got it re-checked.

24-03-16, 23:40
just dont know what this constant chest pain is on my left and right side, sharp pains just worried my one mistake (smoked crack for a night from stress) lead to somehow the nodules turning cancerous

25-03-16, 01:16
you smoked crack?

25-03-16, 01:26
made a huge mistake in january on the 9th was really down, got drunk beyond extend for about a week before that straight. Then around 5 am that morning i went off and did some of that garbage (about a gram so thats about 150$) had 2 xrays which were fine but I am concerned my stupidity may have made cancer. We all make moronic mistakes but that was the worst. Ive had a colourful past but was clean for 6 years... Had just a ct scan last april and that only had 2 nodules, hence my worries. I was fine until I smoked that crap. Now i was told its bronchiole asthma but I fear it is something more. They said there is minor obstruction in my test readings

I dont drink anymore after that nor would I ever use again... But I hope I get the chance to enjoy life... I had a rough 2 years the stress was just way too much for me too handle, daily crap. Living with ppl that just kept tearing me down and just ruining everything in my life. Problem is solved, I finally had her move out. Still married but we are separated for living situations now.

25-03-16, 10:25
Remember the risks from repeat ct scans are much greater than the risk of your benign nodules suddenly becoming cancerous.
I have a close friend who 6 months ago went for a chest x ray ( she had no chest symptoms it was done for another reason) which even on straighforward xray showed 2 nodules that they staight away just knew were cancerous. They cannot say this until after biopsy but they told her afterwards that they knew all along that they were cancer. She has perfect medical history, never smoked anything or took anything, lived in very healthy countryside and was ideal weight and fitness.
So if they knew her nodes were cancerous from plain old x ray film then you can be 100% certain that your ct was telling the truth.

I have neurofibroma on my spine that was picked up incidentally on mri, that was 8 years ago and I have been told that no follow up is ncessary as I will have been born with it and its highly unlikely to grow. It hasn't been seen on chest x ray or on heart echocardiogram so most likely is still same size.

PLease don't insist on repeat radiation doses just for your peace of mind.

25-03-16, 22:07
its just i feel as if i am suffocating, also have a cough since the incident in january. I am just concerned maybe I have a small tumor effecting me and if I get the ct I can get it cured. Made one mistake and now I may pay with cancer... The ct was before the mistake and I smoked after it

25-03-16, 22:46
Your one mistake coud not have given you cancer like that.
You could have a ct scan next week that was clear but a week later you could be wondering what if xxxxx maybe I should have another scan to be really sure etc etc. When you pay for health care this is what could happen and would do you much more harm than anything you have done so far.

You will now say but I will just have the one more ct scan and then i will not have any more but once you get the all clear from that one then something else will start to obsess you and guess what you will want another scan of another area of your body etc etc

We cannot reassure you on here, please talk to your Dr about this asap.

25-03-16, 23:10
I am somewhhat being reassured just to let you know. Your words are not being un helpful. My family dr does not want to do a ct due to the amount I have had, nor did her want to tell me about the nodules (i snuk up to see the results from lat year , a month ago) My resp says it is a brochial asthma due to a obstruction, I had settled my asthma last year and needed no further treatment (that was last april after the ct scans)
I guess I was concerned because I grew up in a smokers house
*did demolition on historic buildings without proper protection or knowledge of the dangers for 1 year
*and also had 2 years of moronic inhalation of random and I mean random substances, as a kid lets say I was smoking anything and inhaling anything
* (was molested by a neighbor growing up and tried to mask the pain with anything I could find including gas... heck I even smoked medication. ) That was for 3 years of my life, then I cleaned up for 5 years had a ct to make sure I was ok from the past and just had 2 nodules.

*I smoked the crack for that whole night because I was having deep memories again of the past. I have now learnt that "why hurt myself because someone hurt me, that just means they are wining and hurting m more "

I do like the help you guys are giving me, it has helped alot in the months of this anxiety. I pray I get better and can finally live life until an actual disease gets me in my old age, am 28 in june, My bday is usually when bad things happens.

Its my lucky number ironically but the bday it self is usually full of bad issues.

My dr sadly and hospitals gave up on me because of crying wolf for 2 years, nor will they help mentally anymore because of symptoms that come from the medicine (also why I tried the crack)
Dr said" try psilocybin mushrooms they have been proven effective and Sean you are not afraid of organic drugs so give it a try." I have not tried that because I just dono what to do lol. They did work in the past to fix depression but that stuff is hard on ure liver.

I guess my concern is these symptoms being missed and just traded off as asthma (didnt know I could be breathless even on a puffer and in pain on my chest constantly )

26-03-16, 12:19
You have had alot to deal with and often trauma is the cause of health anxiety as we all know!

I so wish I could reassure you about your lungs. Ct's give a really big dose of radiation with each one and your Dr is right about not having any more. I had alot of normal x rays thankfully before ct was around and this worries me so I am a bit outspoken about Ct scans as you may have noticed:)

Loads and loads of people have lung nodules ( i personally know of two) which are harmless and they have had them for a very long time, often they are due to scarring from previous infections like pneumonia and bad chest infections. As long as they were imaged and cleared thats all that matters.

You have symptoms but they are not necessarily from anything sinister.

27-03-16, 05:26
so I am finally over this (spoke and got the full info of my ct finally) you guys plus the medical pro fixed it. My question is, can anyone suggest a good asthma med.
Symbicourt failed
Advair failed
Alvesco failed

they caused nasty symptoms. My ventolin works but what I am understanding is that is not a good long term medicine.
Anyone on here have any experience with having bronchial ashtma and any meds that worked for them?Please don't list side effects or I could go nutty again lol

Is there any combo inhalers that do not contain lactose and are not powder?

***I will start a topic about this in the right section, just wanted you to know that I am feeling about 70% better since lastnight about these fears.. Leaning it is not possible that I am gonna have something horrible going on in my lungs**
Should I use this spot to ask the question? I cannot think of a better place. Found this site but cannot figure out what ones I should think about. Symbicourt use to work and then I became lactose intolerant.


28-03-16, 03:42
I'm always prescribed Albuterol when I get bronchial infections ...