View Full Version : Rib pain

24-03-16, 01:50
The second I lie down on my left side my ribs hurt (from the edge all the way round to the sternum). It's been going on for about 3 months. Sometimes I get pain along the ribs in the day and can be made worse sometimes by sitting down, deep breathing, etc. One rib in particular feels tender to touch.

Anyone experienced something similar?

24-03-16, 02:11
Does it hurt when you press near the sternum?

It could be costochondritis.

I get that sometimes, in fact I have it now. It's painful and annoying but not harmful. My doc explained there are nerves that follow our ribs around to the back, which is why it can cause pain all the way around.

24-03-16, 06:38
Agree with Poppy it sounds like costo... I get this on a recurring basis, I know what triggers it for me, cold weather or long car journeys! It can also be triggered by an injury, or nothing at all.

For me it causes a 'bruised' sensation in the right chest area on making certain movements, especially leaning forward or reaching for things.... sitting down definitely more uncomfortable, never feel it while standing up or walking. Like you I can pinpoint it to a certain rib if I poke about.

If you research costochondritis (don't worry you won't find any horror stories its a common and non serious condition) you'll find a lot of tips on how to manage it but really its just a waiting game for it to go away by itself.

Of course any diagnosis should be confirmed by your doctor (they can tell very quickly if it's costo) but I'd say its likely.
Good luck!

Lin x