View Full Version : poor circulation in left leg??

24-03-16, 03:19
Okay so for a long time, at least the past 6 months or so, I have been experiencing a weird sensation in my left foot. Its as if the top of my left foot is swollen. It doesn't look swollen, it looks exactly the same as my right foot, but it feels extremely tight and swollen all the time especially if I put all my weight on it or pay attention to it while I'm standing up. It also feels as if my entire left leg all the way from my foot to my hip is tight and having circulation problems. I am overweight, but not morbidly obese or anything, and I have high blood pressure. I am terrified to go to the doctor for fear of them telling me that I will have a blood clot or diabetes or something deadly. Also, I can see my veins in my left foot, but not my right. Its driving me crazy and I'm worried but too scared to go to the doctor. I have very bad muscle tension in various parts of my body such as my neck and upper back and many points along my spine, if that could have anything to do with the feeling. I just need some peace of mind, I can't sleep at night because I'm worried I won't wake up.

24-03-16, 05:34
I think its safe to say its not a bloodclot just an odd sensation .. especially for six months.. Everything sounds fine .We all have odd sensations also the older we get we do for sure. I wake up every day and sometimes at night and my legs feel as though I have socks on. I have my circulation checked before and it seems to be ok but much like yourself worry .. I think if you have had it for six months another night isn't going to hurt.You should get some sleep and try not to worry. From all I have read about blood clots I think you would have more symptoms than just a feeling and I am not a doctor but a fellow member here putting myself in your place.. Have a good evening and try not to worry.