View Full Version : Bad Abdominal Pain

24-03-16, 07:38
*Pain under rib cage
*Pain worst just above belly button
*Pain radiates all over abdomen and even lower back

Dr is doing some minor blood tests but says it is prolly IBS (can ibs get worse and worse and last for 3 months straight. It started minor.) Last year i had a abdominal ct and a gastro cam, everything was good no polyps and just a spastic colon. Also have gerd and acid reflux. What should I do

27/m canada

24-03-16, 08:28
*Pain under rib cage
*Pain worst just above belly button
*Pain radiates all over abdomen and even lower back

Dr is doing some minor blood tests but says it is prolly IBS (can ibs get worse and worse and last for 3 months straight. It started minor.) Last year i had a abdominal ct and a gastro cam, everything was good no polyps and just a spastic colon. Also have gerd and acid reflux. What should I do

27/m canada

Take OTC medicines for it like the rest of us or maybe get something from your doctor for it and try to relax and breathe.. its hard but can be done..try really try to relax..