View Full Version : One of my ears feels slightly plugged up

24-03-16, 08:15
I'm really scared , when I was sleeping I woke up, and my left ear felt sort of plugged up like I can't hear properly . I'm scared so much of BT . Becsuse I've been having headaches off and on. I'm so scared this sucks :(

24-03-16, 08:20
Pretty sure it would be a build up of wax. Get some olive oil, put it in your ear 3 times a day at least.


24-03-16, 08:25
Both my ears have been stopped up going on a week. I can hear my heartbeat in my head just like I had a listening device on .Lub dub Lub dub skip lub dub. Be thankful that you don't have that. Just hang in there it will be ok.

24-03-16, 08:27
I'm just scared because I read online someone had a clogged in and they had a BT. Now I'm seriously freaking out. It's hard to relax . I'm seriously scared out of my mind :( how can I calm down? How can I just relax ? I'm so scared :(

24-03-16, 08:38
I don't know what BT is but if that were true I would have been dead a long time ago and I am 61 . I have had ever ear problem known to man and I have made it to my age and my ears right now even as we speak is killing me but I am counting on not dying tonight or anytime soon. Try to think of something else and listen to some relaxation music on pandora and try to visualize something pleasurable you remember or have experienced. It helps me calm down most of the time. Good luck and hope you feel better soon.

24-03-16, 08:47
Sounds to me like an infection, a cold perhaps, that is affecting your hearing. I've had that many times and it does go away within a few days. Hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

24-03-16, 08:58
Sounds to me like an infection, a cold perhaps, that is affecting your hearing. I've had that many times and it does go away within a few days. Hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

Its a cold mixed with allergies.. I totally agree.. yes..

24-03-16, 16:00
I'm also another one prone to ear problems! It's highly highly unlikely it's a BT. As for the story you read, I've never heard of that as a symptom of one before so it probably wasn't even related. Don't worry about headaches, the majority of BT's don't even present themselves as any form of head pain....

24-03-16, 17:27
Thanks but I still feel worried, because my headache isnt constant, it comes and goes. I just hate this I was doing so good, now Im back scared . I just hate this so much. This crap is scary.

24-03-16, 17:34
BT are so rare.

24-03-16, 18:00
Thanks but I still feel worried, because my headache isnt constant, it comes and goes. I just hate this I was doing so good, now Im back scared . I just hate this so much. This crap is scary.

Headaches are so so common with anxiety and the more anxious you become, the more headaches you will probably get. I know how hard it is to try and ignore something physical, but by doing so, you may find some relief.

24-03-16, 19:06
British Telecom?

24-03-16, 22:34
I had a cold for the last week. My ears totally plugged up, sometimes only on one side. The relief when they unplug is amazing and you can hear again! Sounds like you have a virus or something OR as mentioned earlier - wax. Go to a nurse who can flush out your wax, it's awesome!