View Full Version : Worried about child

24-03-16, 10:39
I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right part but you guys have been really helpful so I'm hoping for some advice.

My daughter had Scarlet fever a Week or so ago, I didn't realise I thought it was a bad cold as her symptoms were a temperature, runny nose and sleeping a lot after a few days I took her to the Drs and they said she had strawberry tongue and gave her 10 days of penicillin. She finished that those and was fine. Last night I noticed she's got a bit of a runny nose again and was very hot with red cheeks she had some calpol and went to bed. At 6 this morning she woke up crying saying she had a bad dream, again she was sniffly and hot so I've given her calpol again, all of a sudden she said when I touched her arms and legs it hurt, she cried and asked me not to touch her. As you can imagine this has really worried me.

I came to work and called when I got here her dad said she was fine and I could hear her running and playing but when I asked her she said she only felt OK. She's gone to school but I'm so worried

24-03-16, 12:08
It is only natural for you to be worried about her.........The school will keep an eye on her as they will know she has been off school with the Scarlet Fever

my guess it will just be the after effects of the Scarlet fever which can be nasty as you know....

"ok" is a childs normal and answer ....... Have you had a good day at school? It was ok.....

Just keep an eye on her and try not to worry

24-03-16, 13:09
Thank you for replying she's been sent home from school and is staying with my brother until I finish work he insists she's fine just s bit pale and runny nose. When I asked how she was feeling she cried but said great and I just miss you. I'm worried I left it too late to take her to the Drs when she had scarlet fever and that's why she's ill now

24-03-16, 14:45
Give the doc a ring and see what they say, to put your mind at rest :)

24-03-16, 16:12
She's got a Drs appointment at 5.30. My other half arranged it he said the nurse called and said she probably just needs more penicillin but the duty dr will see her at 5.30. Why would the nurse not see her earlier? That's what usually happens you see the nurse then the dr if you need to, why would she have to go straight to the dr?

24-03-16, 16:33
I'd prefer to go straight to the doctor. Saves messing about:) . I'm sure she'll be absolutely fine

24-03-16, 17:28
Because the nurse usually cannot prescribe an antibiotic in most practises only the Dr's so if they know she needs more of these then its quicker to go straight to the Dr. The nurses usually weed out the people who don't need a prescription/minor illnesses.

Even without the penicillin it is still very rare for scarlet fever to cause serious problems, the bacteria we have now is nowhere near as bad as the one in victorian times that caused such mortality.

I understand totally how you feel though as I remember it so well when my son who is now 35 yrs old was a child:scared15:

24-03-16, 19:20
We are back from the Drs and she thinks it's a virus. She's got temperature of 40 so I have to give her calpol and neurofen and keep an eye on her. She's not eaten much tonight but has had a milkshake thank you for your replies