View Full Version : Lump Under Armpit

24-03-16, 12:37
Hi everyone, a couple of days ago I developed a lump under my armpit, It Is hard, red & warm, earlier on there was some pus leaking out of It, It Is also very painful and I can't sleep :( does anyone have any suggestions on what It could be and what I could do? I'm starting to get worried :(

24-03-16, 13:31
Sounds like a cyst/pimple. Draining/popping them are very popular videos on Youtube :emot-puke:

Positive thoughts

24-03-16, 13:40
Ingrown hair.

24-03-16, 15:14
I agree with the answers above, if there is puss I would think it is either a cyst, inflamed spot or ingrown hair. I'd keep the area clean and as dry as possible and try and wear loose clothing.

24-03-16, 17:31
Personally if it was me I would bathe the are in warm salty water to try and get the pus out and kill any infection.
If it gets alot bigger and more painful then you may need antibiotics but hopefully salty very warm water ( don't burn yourself!) and very gentle pressure on it will get the pus out and allow it to heal.