View Full Version : Bad day and night

05-03-07, 07:56
Hi all

Yesterday was one of the worst in a long time. I just started to become anxious for no apparent reason and with it came the tight chest - it starts around my collar bones on both sides and gradually moves into my chest muscles. Last night was the first time that I really struggled to breathe. This is making me nuts! I cannot make sense of this anxiety business. It seems as though Sundays are particularly bad for me - does anyone else experience that a specific day is worse than others? I also start getting anxious when evening approaches - is this familiar to anyone else?
I am struggling today with depersonalisation and depression because of the things that happened last night and my chest hurts. My shoulders are really tight. I have read some very good posts on relaxation and breathing and will do some stretching to see if it helps. Have had tests done to rule out anyting else, but today I am just not coping with anxiety

Have a blessed day

05-03-07, 08:13
I too have always hated Sundays. It stems from my childhood and as an adult the feelings still remain with me and you can guarantee if im feeling low or anxious they get worse. Ive made some changes though and this has helped. Ive concentrated on really changing what i would do on a sunday to try and give a whole new meaning and purpose to the day. I go out for lunch instead of cooking all morning and do something i enjoy in the afternoon try it and see if it works.

Evenings and night times are also diffcult for me as I feel trapped and claustrophobic for some reason. I usually distract myself by surfing on the net or falling asleep in front of a film. It sound to mee as though your body is really tense you would probably benefit from some massage or a long hot bath. try the relaxation and breathing as they really do help.

It helps to take back some controll and make some small changes and believe me it will make a diference to how you are feeling. also draw on any support that you can as its ok to ask for help when you are feling your lowest. Hope this helps you. Let us know how you get on. xxxxx

06-03-07, 18:01
Thanks Pixette; I totally understand the business of Sundays and it stemming from your childhood. I am much better these last two days - started to accept the anxiety and stopped fighting myself. I went out of my way to make time to relax my chest muscles through meditation and visualization and it really worked wonders. My neck and back are still a little stiff, but that is due to my bad posture when in front of the tinbrain.
I really benefit hugely from reading what others go through on the site and I think that the net is the greatest invention since sliced bread. Anyway, thanks for the reply and blessings to you.