View Full Version : At Hospital

24-03-16, 17:21
I am at the hospital and still worrying. They assure me my heart is fine. BP is a little bit rough but they all keep reassuring me. I have been put on zoloft for anxiety and bentyl for what he says is IBS not acid reflux like originally thought. Felt ok with my shot but nexf day woke up shivering and shaking and also feeling meh again. Lot of diarrhea and again when the symptoms are at worst I have alot of gas. Am I overworrying about it being crazy things? I feel warm when people say it is cold I have heated feelings still in my left side and abdomen...I am just so scared.

24-03-16, 17:25
I think you have to try to trust the Doctors here.. Way easier said than done, I know. I was just put on Zoloft as well, buddy. I hope it starts getting easier for you!

24-03-16, 17:30
I think you have to try to trust the Doctors here.. Way easier said than done, I know. I was just put on Zoloft as well, buddy. I hope it starts getting easier for you!

Thanks! Can you or anyone tell me if IBS can cause such a burning sensation, and gas?

Catherine S
24-03-16, 17:32
I think your health anxiety is quite bad if you're posting from your hospital bed and if the hospital doctors can't reassure you while you are there with them. Have they suggested therapy at all?


24-03-16, 17:36
When did you start the zoloft? Shaking and diarrhea is pretty common with that medication.

24-03-16, 19:42
Started yesterday. The stool thing has always been loose for quite a while. The Bentyl helped but the stuff came back today and so I am dealing.

---------- Post added at 13:42 ---------- Previous post was at 11:57 ----------

They want me on Seroquel too. Also not sure if I managed to name the first one right but I think I did. Will I be ok? Meds for mental things scare me.

24-03-16, 19:59
While you're there, ask them to refer you to therapy.

Positive thoughts

24-03-16, 20:00
Three of us alone in this thread have been given Zoloft, I'd say it's more common than we think. The reward highly outweighs the risk and from what I know and have read, there is very little risk or none when taken as directed.

24-03-16, 21:23
They still keep saying everything is coming back normal.

24-03-16, 21:27
That's good. I got told my heart is healthy and I still have trouble believing. We got to start believing the doctors or well will live with Anxeity for the rest of our life's.

24-03-16, 22:36
If they're saying it's normal then trust them. Anxiety is FAR more likely to cause all of these symptoms than anything sinister. Anyone that has Health Anxiety has gone through everything you have!

25-03-16, 21:39
They believe it is psychosomatic and have referred me to find counseling and take my new meds. Still feel like I'm going crazy with these symptoms though.

26-03-16, 20:16
They want to move me to a psychiatric hospital.

26-03-16, 21:06
I am at the hospital. When I first came my BP was kinda crazy but relaxed a bit. It is still what I think is above normal. Between all the general tension and tightness to the left side, calling for help and almost throwing up they assure me it isnt heart because two EKGs and two blood tests came back fine. I am just so tired of feeling it is my heart with these symptoms while they assure me it isnt.

26-03-16, 22:13
I just read your post that they're advising that you be admitted to a psychiatric facility. While I can see the high level of distress you're in by your posts, they must be seeing much more to make that recommendation. Based on their assessment, it may be wise to follow their advice.

Positive thoughts

26-03-16, 22:18
I suppose you are right. They gave me a xanax to to calm me. Do you think that I am really ok? What are those places like?

26-03-16, 22:29
I suppose you are right. They gave me a xanax to to calm me. Do you think that I am really ok? What are those places like?

Concerning your second question, I don't know but I do know that your illness will be the attention it needs for you to take steps toward healing.

As far as your fears? You're in a hospital, under medical supervision. It appears for all intents and purposes you're physically fine.

Good luck. I hope you make the right decision and help yourself.

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
26-03-16, 22:32
I'm assuming admitting you to a psychiatric ward is a last resort for them, rather than suggesting a therapist as an outpatient, does this mean you've had therapy in the past that hasn't worked for you? I'm not sure what it involves in the US, but if you need this to help you recover then don't be scared ok? It might just surprise you with how much it helps.


27-03-16, 00:38
Thanks. They just can't find anything. EKG perfect sinus rhythm and no enzymes with the blood tests. Also constant 98 to 100 oxygen. They seem extremely sure that I am fine physically.

---------- Post added at 19:38 ---------- Previous post was at 19:34 ----------

I have pains on my front and back and keep freaking out. And keep getting assurance.

Catherine S
27-03-16, 00:47
Hi Black, my point was that they were referring you to a ward for psychiatric assessment for the first time, and my question was is this because therapy as an outpatient hasn't worked? Just seems a little strange that they wouldn't try the outpatient therapy first?


27-03-16, 02:01
I haven't before.

Catherine S
27-03-16, 02:19
Oh ok..maybe different where you live then. Here in UK they wouldn't necessarily admitt you to a ward unless they thought it was the best thing to do for your mental health, and if other strategies had failed. Go with it Black, we'll be supporting you as best we can through it, but listen to the staff there while they try to help you.

Take care

27-03-16, 02:46
How ya doing, Black?

27-03-16, 14:46
They took me off amlodipine. Also having alot of back pain and worrying about a rash on my shoulder being related to blood stuff because it was warm.

27-03-16, 14:47
Thanks. Should I really trust them about my heart health? I had kind of a warm rash on my shoulder too.

27-03-16, 14:51
You taking your meds? It sounds like you may need them to settle ya down, that way you can try to get your mind right and get some help. I've been on Zoloft for over a week now, no real side effects.

27-03-16, 15:16
Thanks. Should I really trust them about my heart health? I had kind of a warm rash on my shoulder too.

I know anxiety causes one to doubt, but you're in a hospital. They treat real heart problems there. They're also skilled enough to recognize you're not rational at all and recommending you be admitted to a psychiatric facility. Last but not least, while you've been on the hospital being attended to by medical professionals, where have you been posting your fears?

Positive thoughts

27-03-16, 15:21
Yes they put me on that and xanax until it takes effect. I am just really worried.

27-03-16, 16:39
I constantly feel kinda sore and hurt and I don't know. They don't want to run all the tests they can. I am scared and kind of freaking out.

27-03-16, 16:56
They don't want to run all the tests they can.

Because there's nothing "physically" wrong. I'm seeing in your posts what they're seeing. I offered a link on one of your threads where you could find help but you're having none of it unfortunately. You're barely acknowledging replies and just spiraling off onto another symptom. I hope you do get the help you need. Feel better soon!

Positive thoughts

27-03-16, 17:05
I'm with ya, man. But, you can do this! They've done tons of tests and it's all checked out. I'm hoping these dull headaches of mine go away and the meds start kicking in. I can't quit thinking Brain Tumor.

Stay strong!

27-03-16, 17:27
My doctor doesn't think I need to have a d dimer test even though I am worried about things!

27-03-16, 17:28
Thanks! They don't see a reason to do alot of extra testing even though I am worried.

27-03-16, 18:04
That's because they have concluded that there is nothing physically wrong.

At least they are trying to tackle your anxiety which is a really positive move.

I am going to merge both your threads, hope that is ok with you.

27-03-16, 18:18
That is fine! Thank you. They said 2 EKGs and blood tests are more than most everyone coming in at all gets. So they sound pretty confident.

27-03-16, 18:29
IBS. It can be triggered by stress and anxiety. What a vicious circle. IBS is a rollercoaster ride bowel fluctuations that can be accompanied by increase bloating, gas, loose stools, regular stools, or constipation, and abdominal pain. There are some diets that you can follow which will help control the symptoms. You can also try using benefiber-there is less gas with that one. They have a new medication out for people with IBS, but the side effects are not worth it. Diet and exercise are the best. Good luck!

27-03-16, 18:55
IBS. It can be triggered by stress and anxiety. What a vicious circle. IBS is a rollercoaster ride bowel fluctuations that can be accompanied by increase bloating, gas, loose stools, regular stools, or constipation, and abdominal pain. There are some diets that you can follow which will help control the symptoms. You can also try using benefiber-there is less gas with that one. They have a new medication out for people with IBS, but the side effects are not worth it. Diet and exercise are the best. Good luck!

Could it make it feel like other conditions? I keep worrying about heart but all they did was two EKGs, blood tests, then said they are sure I am fine in that place.

27-03-16, 19:11
Two EKGs and a blood work up? Trust me, if they were concerned about your heart, the blood work they did would have indicated any concerns. The information they can gather from an EKG is rather incredible, each dip and wave can be related to every known rhythm irregularity-they would have told you if it had said anything but normal. Anxiety can cause us to experience cardiac symptoms, which is why many of us worry about our hearts at times. You did the right thing though, you were concerned and you had it checked out. Now you should listen to the specialists and trust them. :-)

27-03-16, 21:02
I would also like an MRI but I am not sure they will really allow one. The two doctors are not concerned and neither are the nurses.

27-03-16, 21:05
They will know if an MRI is required, the inability to trust their findings is one of the biggest symptom of health anxiety

28-03-16, 01:06
So how trustworthy are two EKGs as well as blood tests for future assessment?

28-03-16, 16:12
Starting Celexa has been a very crappy experience. Shaking, nausea, and hurting. I wish to feel better. What helps you all?

28-03-16, 16:17
I'm still working on that, but do you have any hobbies? Sometimes a movie or show that I enjoy helps, video games, a hot shower or bath... It may help keep your mind off of things. It'll get better.

28-03-16, 16:43
I am gonna try and not use this medicine anymore. It is too crazy.

28-03-16, 16:48
Weren't you prescribed Zoloft & Xanax?

28-03-16, 18:06
I looked up the wrong name. It was celexa.

28-03-16, 18:29
Did they warn you about potential side effects? I was told by my doctor that the first 2 weeks could be rough, but you have to give it time to work.

28-03-16, 18:43
I would say that you cant go on feeling how you are so anything has to be worth a try

28-03-16, 19:05
This is quite beyond rough.

28-03-16, 19:14
Have you been taking the Xanax to help as well?

28-03-16, 19:29
Yes but it is a small amount and only works for a little bit.

28-03-16, 20:08
So you are home from the hospital now, what dose of celexa?

28-03-16, 20:17
Still there. The dose is .25

28-03-16, 20:26
I was started on .50mg of Zoloft and .50mg of Xanax, but I only take half... I just know the antidepressants take some time to kick in. Everyone that had taken them here says it and my Doctor fid as well.

28-03-16, 20:46
Still there. The dose is .25

4 days in the hospital for a non existent physical issue speaks to the severity of your mental state. What is the psychiatric team saying?

Positive thoughts

28-03-16, 20:48
I am freaking a bit out. My blood oxygen meter checked me at 89 then went up to 100. On another check it was 79 then went up to 100 after a few seconds. Is that normal? Was it the machine?

---------- Post added at 14:48 ---------- Previous post was at 14:47 ----------

4 days in the hospital for a non existent physical issue speaks to the severity of your mental state. What is the psychiatric team saying?

Positive thoughts

They want me at a psychiatric hospital.

28-03-16, 20:51
They want me at a psychiatric hospital.

Do they know you're logged onto an anxiety forum while you're lying there? It's obviously not helping you. Hopefully, you'll take their advice.

Good luck and positive thoughts

28-03-16, 20:55
Is the Psychiatric Hospital an option? It sounds like you'll need to talk to somebody and also get and stay on some medication.

28-03-16, 20:58
Is the Psychiatric Hospital an option? It sounds like you'll need to talk to somebody and also get and stay on some medication.

I don't want to be all medicated up. And should I worry about the oxygen thing?

28-03-16, 21:16
Is the Psychiatric Hospital an option? It sounds like you'll need to talk to somebody and also get and stay on some medication.

Just my take but the fact that the hospital is keeping you there indicates something going on beyond what we're hearing about here. A hospital would not keep a patient that is physically well this long unless they feel you're a threat to yourself or others. How could they get insurance to pay otherwise?

I know when I was well enough to walk out under my own power, even after heart surgery, they sent me packing! ~lol~ What's preventing you or them from transferring you to the psychiatric hospital? Being logged on here feeding your dragon can't be the best thing for you.... do your doctors know? Maybe let them read what you're writing about.

Positive thoughts

28-03-16, 21:35
I wish I could help you with the Oxygen question, but from what you're saying, the Doctors seem to think you're okay and that would indicate that your numbers are normal.

I know when I went to the ER with an Anxiety attack, after they took my vitals and Blood Pressure, and Chest X-Ray they were practically shooing me out of there...

28-03-16, 22:11
I know when I went to the ER with an Anxiety attack, after they took my vitals and Blood Pressure, and Chest X-Ray they were practically shooing me out of there...

My point exactly. There's more than meets the eye here.

Positive thoughts

28-03-16, 22:26
They recommended me because I was so anxious and freaking out about what was hurting and what was actually the matter. It was amazing they accepted me in there. I am now being released to home. They took all my tests again and said they were great. 2 EKGs, 3 blood tests, as well as many vital checks. Also it seems possibly celexa caused me some new problems that worried me but they are so sure it is anxiety. I am going to be put into counselling and have a psychiatrist lined up.

Catherine S
28-03-16, 22:30
They seem to have really looked after you Black, is this unusual in the USA? I try to get my head around the American health services, but it completely baffles me sorry :huh:

But glad you got it sorted for now at least x

28-03-16, 22:58
They recommended me because I was so anxious and freaking out about what was hurting and what was actually the matter. It was amazing they accepted me in there. I am now being released to home. They took all my tests again and said they were great. 2 EKGs, 3 blood tests, as well as many vital checks. Also it seems possibly celexa caused me some new problems that worried me but they are so sure it is anxiety. I am going to be put into counselling and have a psychiatrist lined up.

Glad to hear it, Black. Sounds like they're putting you on the right track.

And I don't even get our health system in the States sometimes.. Good luck figuring it out!

28-03-16, 23:03
The thing is my celexa or something is giving me crazy symptoms that seem heart related. It is freaking me out. Can an anti depressant do such?

Catherine S
28-03-16, 23:08
Did the doctors in the hospital not answer this question? You were there 4 days and still asking here about medication side effects? I'm even more confused now :huh:

29-03-16, 00:24
Well, he said it was anxiety. I am not that sure. He does not feel I need another EKG before my leaving. I am worried that something is on them that wasn't before myself.

---------- Post added at 17:32 ---------- Previous post was at 17:31 ----------

Tylenol and xanax manage it a little bit.

---------- Post added at 18:24 ---------- Previous post was at 17:32 ----------

I have to do my best to make it through this. That is the only way.

02-04-16, 22:43
I just wish to know how I can trust nothing is wrong when I hurt and they have told me I'm all clear and won't do further tests that I wish. I have a counselor and psychiatrist lined up by the way. I still have that upper left abdomen tension and feels like a weird thing tight? I don't know!