View Full Version : Waiting For Chest X Ray Results - ANXIETY OVERLOAD!!!

24-03-16, 18:54
Good evening everyone.

I hope this is the right place to post this. I just need to get my anxiety out in the open.

Basically...I've had a sore throat for 2 weeks now. Last weekend on the Friday I coughed/sneezed pretty much at the same time (not a pretty sight) and found blood on my tissue. Not sure where it came from and panicked briefly, calmed myself down and didn't think anything else of it until Sunday night when I was at work. Cleared my throat of all the crap that was lingering (apologies for being graphic) and found blood again. Obviously s**t myself, kept clearing my throat and looking throughout the night. Saw blood once or twice after that but since then, nothing.

Fast forward to today which was the earliest I could get an appointment at my Doctors. He thinks the sore throat could be something to do with acid reflux (I do get a bit of heartburn/indigestion) and has prescribed me Omeprazole. Now comes the part that's got me worrying. He sent me straight up the hospital for an X Ray because we (can't ignore the blood) and I smoked for 18 years before giving up 4 years ago. Went up, got done within 30 minutes, was told I'm now waiting 2 weeks for the results.

Bit of background on me...I'm 37, quit smoking 4 years ago, am fairly unfit but not severely overweight and am a natural worrier. Oh, and I've got no one really to jabber on at about this tonight.

Now, I'm not asking for anyone to diagnose me (I read the sticky threads) but I just wanted to put it "out there" and tell someone. I'm anxious. Actually, no...I'm bricking it. Dr. Google (again, the stickies) has put the fear into me. Of course he/she (steady on) has. One minute I read that I'm fine, the next minute I read that I've got less than a year left. I clearly need to stop speaking to Dr. Google.

Apologies for the essay but I'm scared. There you go. A 37 year old bloke admitting it. Just wanted someone to know.

Thanks for reading :)

24-03-16, 19:04
Good going on quitting smoking!

I'm a H&N cancer survivor and I've been on the boards enough to read between the lines ;) That cough/sneeze thing is pretty intense and in all likelihood you burst a blood vessel is all. Your doctor is being a good doctor and rest assured "IF" there's anything that needs to be addressed you won't be waiting weeks to find out so no news is good news.

Positive thoughts

24-03-16, 19:14
Good going on quitting smoking!

I'm a H&N cancer survivor and I've been on the boards enough to read between the lines ;) That cough/sneeze thing is pretty intense and in all likelihood you burst a blood vessel is all. Your doctor is being a good doctor and rest assured "IF" there's anything that needs to be addressed you won't be waiting weeks to find out so no news is good news.

Positive thoughts

Thanks for the reply. I did speak to my Mum and she said it could be a burst blood vessel but I didn't go too far into it with her because I don't want to put her on edge as well! I've left her out of the loop :)

Fantastic to hear you beat cancer. I did actually realise after I posted that I hadn't mentioned the "C" word...thankfully you're a bit more tuned in than me tonight!

24-03-16, 19:30
I have blood in my snot semi-frequently.

24-03-16, 19:31
My dad experiences blood from sneezing and coughing every now and then. He first experienced it before I was born (December 1984) and it precipitated a period ofanxiety for him, but it was just a blood vessel issue.

He's now 64, retired and enjoying life. The issue still occurs from time to time and is monitored more closely as he gets older, but he's never been diagnosed with anything more serious than burst blood vessels.

Just a positive example to hopefully help you while you wait for your results.

24-03-16, 19:38
Sinus issues and infections can cause blood in the snot.

24-03-16, 20:40
Thanks for all the replies, gents. They're very much appreciated.

I guess the thing that worried me the most was the urgency in which my doctor sent me to get an x ray but as Fishmanpa says it's my doctor being a good doctor.

24-03-16, 20:55
Doctors will always follow certain protocol in specific situations...and you will always get penalised for being an ex smoker which can mean more referrals when a non smoker might not be referred... just protocol.. but yes, good on you for quitting :)

I remember a few years ago when I registered with a new doctor, she asked me if I was a smoker. I proudly said 'no I quit 12 years ago' expecting...I don't know... brownie points? A 'well done'? No...I got a frown, and she wrote EX SMOKER in capital letters with her big red pen, underlined...:scared15: !!
We can only do our best...I think you'll be fine and I hope you're feeling a bit less anxious about it :)

Lin x

24-03-16, 22:27
Doctors will always follow certain protocol in specific situations...and you will always get penalised for being an ex smoker which can mean more referrals when a non smoker might not be referred... just protocol.. but yes, good on you for quitting :)

I remember a few years ago when I registered with a new doctor, she asked me if I was a smoker. I proudly said 'no I quit 12 years ago' expecting...I don't know... brownie points? A 'well done'? No...I got a frown, and she wrote EX SMOKER in capital letters with her big red pen, underlined...:scared15: !!
We can only do our best...I think you'll be fine and I hope you're feeling a bit less anxious about it :)

Lin x

Ha ha ha, that's more or less the reaction I got today. Funnily enough it's the first time I've seen this particular doctor as well.

doc - "Do you smoke?"

Me (smugly) "Nope. Quit 4 years ago"

doc - *slowly looks over the top of his glasses at me* "I'm sending you for a chest x Ray"

Hands me the form. EX SMOKER written in block capitals.

25-03-16, 10:32
You would have been sent for the x ray even if you had never smoked, no dr would dare not once blood is mentioned. Like mentioning blood in your poo its off for the camera:)

IF your chest x ray showed up anything even slightly iffy you would get a phone call within 48 hrs max ( excluding bank holidays). I know this as it happened to my friend 6 months ago:weep:. She had her chest x ray on the monday afternoon and on tuesday afternoon her Drs surgery was ringing her telling her they had already arranged for her to have a ct scan and see a chest specialist the next week. This is how fast it works if they think they see anything cancerous.

I am betting that you blood is from either your sinuses or sore patch in your throat.

25-03-16, 12:41
I couldn't have timed it any worse then. X ray the day before the longest Bank Holiday break we have. Just a case of sitting tight then really.

25-03-16, 13:16
Thats why I added the bank holiday bit! Sorry you timed it badly. Just remember its much more likely to be fine than not. I know its easier to say than to believe but its also true,

25-03-16, 21:31
Thats why I added the bank holiday bit! Sorry you timed it badly. Just remember its much more likely to be fine than not. I know its easier to say than to believe but its also true,

I know what you're saying. In fact it's the sort of thing I'd normally tell my Mum as she gets quite anxious about things herself. The thing is it's a totally different kettle of fish when it's yourself but given the nature of the board I'm guessing I'm preaching to the choir here.

It's catch 22. I want to know the results of the x ray but the later I hear, the better. As the receptionist at the surgery told me "no news is good news"

25-03-16, 22:50
You should try waiting for a mammogram result every 3 years if you're a woman!! Like you now, no news is good news and my last one, it took 3 weeks to get the letter saying all okay. My none health anxiety mind knew that the longer you wait the better the results but the first 2 weeks were hell everytime the postman arrived, then I accepted that they would probably have got in touch if anything amiss but what if ........... what if what if!

So totally understand but you can't hurry it up so try and put it to back of your mind, worry when you need to worry as they say:) if only.