View Full Version : Dogs ill last straw

24-03-16, 20:25
Posted a couple of days ago that I'm on the edge of a breakdown due to massive pressures , so fates answer to this is I spent most of last night with my dog didn't go to bed because he's been limping and didn't seem well so trip to the vets today and he's got a mass in his leg , he's 12 years old but other wise in good health so we have the weekend to decide on what to do lose the leg or lose the dog , we've had him since a pup rescued from being mistreated he's one of the family and a once in a lifetime dog he's got me and my partner through some rough times , neither of us can bare to lose him we've been in tears all day , we can't even afford the vets bill of about £1000 but we are willing to take on the debt if it gives home a couple more years pain free , life feels very cruel right now we are both good people who would do anyone a favour which just seems to come back crappy on us , the vet says if it were her dog and as he's healthy she would take the leg off this breed can adapt quite well , are we doing the right thing or being selfish , thanks for any input .

24-03-16, 21:23
Sorry to hear about this. I believe you answered your own question. This is not just a dog, this is a part of your family. If losing the leg will essentially cure him and give you a few more years then there's no question.

Positive thoughts

24-03-16, 21:25
If the vet says it's best for the dog, and you can afford it, go for the operation. But only if you can really afford it. Don't feel guilty if you can't afford it. I've only had 1 dog in my life and he meant everything to our family, but we had to do a similar thing. It's very sad and upsetting, but that's mother nature. Dogs don't live as long as humans. I've a lot of good memories of my old dog - and they'll never go.

24-03-16, 22:03
I think the worst part is its come on so quickly and because of other problems we are both so fragile at the moment it's hard to make any decisions , the vets will do a payment plan to spread it out , it's going to be tough anyway just wish I was in a better state to deal with it the past few years have really ground us down , thanks for your replies

24-03-16, 22:09
Whatever you decide or need to do, there will be people on this forum to support you. Bless you both.

24-03-16, 22:09
So sorry to hear about your dog.

Dogs do cope very well with three legs, most of them move so well you would never know.

If you vet is confident that your dog will cope I would say go for it.

24-03-16, 22:35
Hi Buster - so sorry to hear about your doggy friend :hugs:..I am actually dealing with a similar problem with my dog at the moment and anxiety is through the roof. Mine has a spinal cord issue and it's £400 just for an x-ray...An operation is likely to be around £4k and, as you can imagine, having been written off work for the last 3 months I don't have a penny...I know its a hard decision but you know what's right for your dog..I'm going to try a Gofundme page if I can for the money, if, I think, that my boy will better off having surgery. It is a tricky decision...I'm sorry you are having to deal with this - sometimes, life deals a very sh1tty hand - if you want to talk please feel free to PM:hugs:

25-03-16, 11:47
Thanks for all your support and kind words I know people on here are going through worse as I've been in a worse place , just feel broken hearted looking at him drugged up doesn't seem 5 mins since he was a nervous pup having been kicked about , there have been times in the past I preferred his company to people they don't judge you or get annoyed when you aren't at your best , thanks again and I'll let you know how things go , take care .

25-03-16, 11:53
My heart goes out to you I have profound hearing loss and I lost my collie last year he was a hearing dog and he went everywhere with me .
It's heartbreaking and I am so sorry your having to make such a tough decision .
Please know whatever you decide there are people here ypu can turn to too .:bighug1:

26-03-16, 05:01
I'm really sorry to hear about your dog. We've had a few operations for ours and it's like worrying about kids.

You are obviously a loving pet owner so it is obvious you will try your best to help and I just hope you can find a solution here so you have many years ahead with him.

Maybe we will see you on Supervet and your boy with a bionic leg?! :woof:

26-03-16, 05:04
Ooh the Supervet, how cool is he :shades: :)
Buster, thinking of you and your dog xx

26-03-16, 07:04
Been up with him for last two nights and seems to be going down hill since the vet put him on pain killers he's hardly moving and not eating much and now he's pooing blood , I'm not sur what to do now me and partner in tears all the time , anxiety through the roof over chest pain I've had for weeks , just want it all to stop now but I know worse is to come , how the hell do you end up loving a dog so much ?

26-03-16, 07:22
I'm sorry to hear it's getting worse. I can imagine the worry, when ours was up all night pooing & being sick constantly we had to get him to an out of hours vet and we were very worried.

With it being blood, I think you should contact a vet service to ask what is needed. If yours is open, it would be best to get him down there. Vets are always very good, I often wish our GP's offered the same service! Maybe it is even the pain killers having a strange effect?

I hope he is ok and feeling better soon.

26-03-16, 08:32
Buster, I think you have to get the vet to take a look at him-the pain killers could have affected his stomach? Today isn't a Bank Holiday so it will be normal charges at the vet's. I really wish you good luck with your beloved dog-I know how hard these decisions can be, especially when you are struggling so much with your own issues.

26-03-16, 09:27
sorry for your troubles buster and as a dog owner I know how upsetting it is when out fur babies aren't well....but, you need to get your dog back to the vet ASAP because hes pooing blood that needs to be treated immediately
hope everything Is ok

26-03-16, 16:44
Been back to vets and he's picked up some , the pain killers are messing him up but we've got him eating some cooked chicken to help his stomach , he's back on Wednesday to have the op if he's up to it , if not we've given him 11 good years never a day without fuss and even sitting on the floor when he nicks my seat , thanks again for you replies it means a lot as I know you all have problems of your own , take care all .

26-03-16, 17:14
Glad that he's eating again. I really hope that you see some progress and that by Wednesday you will know what is in your dog's best interests to do..Please keep us posted? Animals are so precious and you are doing all you can for your faithful friend.

27-03-16, 05:54
That's good to hear, Buster.

Given how close the operation is, if this latest event would make it too dangerous or it wouldn't be worth it, I don't know what others think but I think the vet would be straight with you. If they thought he was now too ill, they wouldn't hold back on recommending easing his pain and so I look at that as a good sign.

I know what you mean about them nicking chairs, mine does that.

Usually when ours is ill like that the vet recommends very bland foods, they usually sell recovery food. But ours is a breed known for stomach upsets.

Whatever happens, I'm sure you are doing your best for him.

30-03-16, 09:15
Op day today dropped him off limping but looking well , not been to bed for a week now so feeling very low and ill , fingers crossed , missing him already Take care all .

30-03-16, 11:37
Really hope all goes well. Please let us know and take care yourself. You've done your very best and now it's down to your vet's expertise.

30-03-16, 11:41
Yes, fingers crossed for you both, Buster.

He will adapt. I remember watching supervet and him saying how our pets can put up with a lot of pain and not complain or be as grumpy as humans, they are tough little things. Soon he will be in less pain and even happier.

My grandad complained at the NHS for years until they finally took his leg off at the knee. He said the relief add incredible after being in pain for years and he felt so better for it.

Lots of fuss and being spoilt will get him back to his old self.

30-03-16, 15:23
I hope things went ok, please let us know how he got on.
I just want to say I think you are most remarkable, having to deal with this must be so traumatic for you. I hope your furry friend pulls through, as mentioned above dogs are very adaptable, far more than we give them credit for. He knows he is well loved and this will help him through this even more; and just imagine how it will feel to have him back to his normal self again!

30-03-16, 16:52
Your in my thoughts :hugs:

30-03-16, 23:04
So the good news picked up my dog at ten o'clock tonight he's doing well and the legs gone , the bad bit we were told £800 total which was a struggle but do able so the receptionist gives us a bill for £2800 and says it took longer than expected , no phone call even though they said they'd ring and when we rang twice no hint it would cost more , she told us not to worry with a smile easy for her to say , so back home had a gentle cuddle and cry with the pooch and I guess another sleepless night and an added worry , my worry bank is overflowing , thanks for all the replies you lot have left it does make a difference and I hope I can repay a few in the future , take care

30-03-16, 23:22
Good to hear he's doing Ok and everything went well :) Take the debt one step at a time. I do the same thing with all my medical bills. One step, one month at a time.

Positive thoughts

31-03-16, 01:15
Aww great news your dog's doing good - brilliant news! If you are on a low income you may qualify for pDSA help. I'm applying for my dog's spine condition - they can even do one off type payments - you pay some and they pay some - might be worth asking :)

31-03-16, 04:41
It's great to hear he's doing well, Buster. Excellent news.

Took longer? That's one hell of a jump in cost. I could understand it if they had used more equipment (scanning costs) but simply a longer operation and longer anaesthesia?

31-03-16, 05:55
Glad the dog doing well :). Did you get a bill with a detailed breakdown of costs? It is a big jump from the original quote.

31-03-16, 12:26
That is a huge jump in cost. I'd be tempted to have a chat with the vet as to why you were not informed of this seeing as the estimate had been much lower? I'm sure they have a policy of phased payment but lumping an extra 2 grand on your bill without consulting you is not on..

I'm glad the op was a success though.

31-03-16, 14:23
Hi , thanks for the support we are talking to the manager of the vets later about the bill , it's done now so not much we can do , don't qualify for Pdsa as we arnt claiming housing benefit though we should , icing on the cake just had a call from docs about ecg I had last week came up normal but he has a concern about lvh so I've got to have an ultra sound , don't know what this means but I feel like curling up in a ball , anyone know is lvh can be anxiety related when I went for ecg my blood b pressure was a bit high but I was very anxious the nurse had to talk to me for a bit to get it lower , one thing after another you couldn't make it up , don't want to google to much on lvh doubt I'll like what it says , thanks

01-04-16, 13:29
So spoke to vets manager , he was very apologetic about how we were treated , the dog was treated by a agency vet who took longer than expected and also miss quoted for the costs , long and short the bill is now £1200 not £2800 , we've paid part and paying the rest over a period , dog was walking on three legs within an hour of the op and he's been out in the garden , he's been up whining all night again so no sleep and for a usually fearless dog he seems very anxious but that's expected after what he's been through , sort him out then hopfully sort my self out , if I can I'll try and post a photo link of him still very proud , he's going to have a bald spot on his head the amount of stroking he's getting no one can walk by without having a stroke , thanks for the support

01-04-16, 13:33
That's great news! Wishing both you and your brave dog well and good news about the bill!

01-04-16, 14:03
Crikey, sounds like some numpty put a decimal point in the wrong place then. :winks: I'm glad for you it turned out this way, it seems much more reasonable now.

Poor lad, he's feeling sorry for himself. We would be feeling the same in his position. They are remarkably resilient though and soon he will get over it with some love & attention.

It's good to hear be is walking and out in the garden. Hopefully the weather stays good for you so he can enjoy it and forget about the soreness for a bit.

I guess he's a bit uncomfortable due to pain & soreness. Have they give him some pain killers? Will they be doing a follow up to check on the wound soon?

I will look forward to a pic, cute pet pics are always welcome! And his bald spot. :D

01-04-16, 14:30
I haven't commented on this post yet, just been following the story. Being a dog lover myself I've felt your fears and worries regarding your decision.

They are such innocent trusting animals and I'm so glad you could help him, albeit at a high price! So worth it though.

We brought our dog with us from South Africa and it cost a small fortune not to mention the difficulties of finding a house to rent with him and not being able to find a job because I can't leave him alone all day.
But I wouldn't even consider being here without him. He loves us unconditionally as we do him. And he's worth whatever we paid to get him here.

I hope you have many more happy years with your dog, he sounds like a lovely and faithfull friend .

01-04-16, 14:33
So very pleased to hear that your dog is making such a good and speedy recovery. I know from my own experience that a dog quickly becomes more than just a pet and when they are poorly it is almost unbearable to watch them suffer - after all they have no understanding of what is happening, and all we can do is show some compassion and love towards them.

Our vet's fees aren't too bad (well at least it seems that way from making comparisons with other friends who have had dogs treated at different vets). But, sharing your life with a four legged friend does not come cheap ! I am so pleased that you have been able to come to a more acceptable (if still expensive) agreement.

Enjoy the sunshine with each other.

05-04-16, 11:32
Update on my dog situation , less than a week and he's healing well and up and a about the house garden he seems a bit anxious and whines if we leave him on his own even just going upstairs , my other dog more my partners won't go out without him they've always been together she just stops and looks back for him takes ages to get anywhere , we've only gone to bed twice in two weeks so feeling really worn out and low anxiety is up and down like a yoyo , I'm currently parked up in my camper van because I have no energy but should be working to pay off the bill , being with my partner to much when we are both worn out isn't the best thing we get on each other nerves so giving her some space , hoping soon he'll be back out and about and maybe go to coast for a couple of days , we need a break in every sense , take care all .

05-04-16, 11:53
Yeah, get your head down for a bit, Buster. We always have that when our dog had been quite ill or had ops.

It's only natural for people to be snappy when they are so tired, the slightest thing just makes your mind say "oh for good sake" but you realise later that it was wrong and why. A break is a good idea.

It's good to hear the old boy is up and about. That's the best thing for him, normality...and lots of love of course.

He will love being out & about at the coast. It will pull him out of this episode with all the new smells.

Aww, the other dog depends on him. He'd better get well soon then so her can reprise his role.