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View Full Version : Full blood count - and requests?

24-03-16, 23:08

I don't often have blood tests. They are terrible for me, my last one was in A&E and i was left with a 6 inch long bruise along my arm and elbow, muscle was tense for two weeks and i couldn't grip anything. Dreadful.

Anyway, can anyone tell me what a full blood count includes? What are the things it checks for and i'm guessing it's a good indicator to see if things are looking 'normal'?

Also are you able to request a certain blood tests, i.e my GP is sending me for one to check my thyroid function again, can i ask for one to check for inflammation in the body or is this included in a full blood count?


27-03-16, 23:58
hello - your full blood count checks your white and red blood cells, and platelets. Red cells carry oxygen, white cells fight infection, and platelets help with clotting. It basically gives an indicator of a person's general health, or at least is meant to.
You can ask for certain blood tests - for example you could ask for a CA125 test to help rule out ovarian cancer - however I do believe it is up to the doctor. The full blood count test "should" show up if there was inflammation - well if your white blood cell count is high that could be an indicator that your body is fighting infection.

28-03-16, 01:30
hello - your full blood count checks your white and red blood cells, and platelets. Red cells carry oxygen, white cells fight infection, and platelets help with clotting. It basically gives an indicator of a person's general health, or at least is meant to.
You can ask for certain blood tests - for example you could ask for a CA125 test to help rule out ovarian cancer - however I do believe it is up to the doctor. The full blood count test "should" show up if there was inflammation - well if your white blood cell count is high that could be an indicator that your body is fighting infection.
