View Full Version : Introduce

25-03-16, 08:22
Hi all I have struggled with anxiety and sleep issues for a while using herbal and other remedies. Few years ago my wife started taking 25 mg of amatryptaline along with other meds for a bad back. I started taking the occasional tablet to help me sleep, occasional turned to regular and cutting tablets in half so I could go unoticed and the wife never went short that was 2 years ago, Christmas 2015 I stopped taking al of a sudden chest pains and panic attacks kicked in I started taking again never thought it was withdraw symptoms. Today I have been off them for 3 weeks and it has been hell dizziness panic attacks chest pains the feeling that this day will be my last, I am now at the point where I don't feel too bad as long as I keep as far away from stressful situations as possible and have a doctors appointment next week as blood pressure was through the roof. It is hard sometimes to admit you need help the doctor should be the first point for advice not someone else's medicine cabinet sometimes lessons are learned the hard way.

25-03-16, 13:21
You have been taking a very very small dose of amiltyptaline so you are unlikely to suffer bad sym[toms of withdrawal even after 2 years.

Is it possible that once you know you can't take them any more this is kicking in your panic and anxiety and the symptoms you are experiencing are actually from this rather than stopping the minute dose of amiltryp you have been taking?

I assume you will be honest with your GP and tell him what you have done. There is a tablet dose of 10mg of this drug so maybe discuss going onto that for a time and slowly reduce the fequency of taking is so you come off very very slowly with him.