View Full Version : is this really anxiety???

25-03-16, 14:15
Hi there i am new to all this so bear with me... 8 weeks ago out of the blue I started to feel dizzy and light headed ... it came from I where and it has never gone away! I have seen numerous docs had bloods done and seen an ent specialist who says it isn't inner ear related. My doc said it's anxiety and has put me on 80mg a day of propranalol which I was reluctant to take but have done. I have no other symptoms and didnt realise I was anxious. My question is .... is this really anxiety??? Has anyone else had a similar experience? Everyone keeps saying once u accept it's anxiety it will go ?? I don't know what they mean .... how do i accept it? Any advice would be amazing it's driving me mad!!

Thank u xx

26-03-16, 15:08
I had dizzy spells for days and days ....... Yes it was all anxiety ! Really hard to believe ...

26-03-16, 19:29
Can u explain to me how u felt .... it's crazy isn't it how did u manage to deal with it? Did u have Meds, ?

26-03-16, 20:30
Can u explain to me how u felt .... it's crazy isn't it how did u manage to deal with it? Did u have Meds, ?


I first had this happen to me last year and lasted about 4 weeks then went, came back to odd time since then only for a day or so. I have now had it for the last 5-6 weeks constantly, sometimes through the day it settles a bit.

I can only describe it as a swaying and unsteadiness feeling, when i first got it i was very tense and it made me so scared that it was all i could think about. It still scares me but not as much so easier to deal with, certain positions make it worse for me. It was hard for me to figure out whether i felt like the room was moving or me, bit of both i suppose. No spinning, just a drunk, on a boat feeling

26-03-16, 20:33
Yes that sounds the same ... where the hell has it come from and will it ever go? I can't stand it any more I want my life back!!! Do u take any medication?

Thanks for replying x

26-03-16, 20:43
Yes that sounds the same ... where the hell has it come from and will it ever go? I can't stand it any more I want my life back!!! Do u take any medication?

Thanks for replying x


No i was prescribed Propranolol 10mg as i have anxiety about medication, only took this a few times.
My GP wants to do test on my sinus's ect as thinks there could be a link, also i have a lot of trouble with my neck muscles so being referred to physio i suppose that could be playing a part.

I also find it very hard to believe it's anxiety, but either way i;m sure it's made worse by anxiety like everything else. When i am busy or with people ect it doesn't seem to be as bad or i don't notice it as much as when i'm home x

26-03-16, 20:47
I have neck problems too! I am waiting to see a consultant next week .... I am so happy to find someone going through same thing ... although I am sorry u r as it's hideous!!! I take 80mg of propranalol and it hasn't changed anything .... I feel like I will never get back to the old me x

26-03-16, 20:52
I have neck problems too! I am waiting to see a consultant next week .... I am so happy to find someone going through same thing ... although I am sorry u r as it's hideous!!! I take 80mg of propranalol and it hasn't changed anything .... I feel like I will never get back to the old me x

I know how you feel, it can be extremely hard and lonely. So many times when i have been really bad with physical symptoms i felt like there was no way out and i was getting worse everyday, i cried so much as i just wanted to be able to live a 'normal' life, but i came out of them times and that has happened a lot, so like now everything has flared up again and with this dizziness its easy for me to start feeling hopeless again but i remind myself that things can and do change no matter how bad they seem. (sorry for preaching)

I use a hot flannel on my neck/shoulder muscles and it seems to help relax them and if you are able to get massages i'd definitely recommend. I never thought i 'tensed' up at all, but i've started to catch myself with my shoulders slightly lifted or tense and had to relax them x

26-03-16, 21:01
Yeah this is the same as me. I started off with just dizziness, I have to grab onto things because I feel like I'm going to fall over. Even when I'm sitting down it feels like I'm on a boat and the room is spinning. It makes it really hard to go out shopping and things as I find it worse in fluorescent lighting in supermarkets etc. I've had bad migraines my whole life so alwaya thought it was linked to that but have been told over and over again that it's anxiety so I just gave up arguing in the end!

26-03-16, 21:06
Wow that's weird as I went to tesco today and it was so bright in there ended up having what I think was a panic attack !! I feel crap today awful day ... I guess I need to accept I am suffering from anxiety and not let it beat me!!!! Mine is mainly dizziness and neck pain no other symptoms but that is bad enough!!!! X

26-03-16, 21:12
Acceptance is the hardest thing isn't it, the only thing that helps me is looking back at all the symptoms i've had over the years that thankfully have never progressed into anything i 'feared' that slightly reassures me. It's good when you can relate to other's make's it that bit easier that it is anxiety x

26-03-16, 21:19
Wow that's weird as I went to tesco today and it was so bright in there ended up having what I think was a panic attack !! I feel crap today awful day ... I guess I need to accept I am suffering from anxiety and not let it beat me!!!! Mine is mainly dizziness and neck pain no other symptoms but that is bad enough!!!! X

Yeah that is how mine started! I work in a hospital and after my nightshift I walked into the treatment room where all the fluorescent lights were on super bright and I suddenly felt "Whoa something is happening to me!" I never thought it was a panic attack until it kept happening in shops and other places. I don't get panic attacks like I think most people do - I don't hyperventilate or get a racing heart, just literally feel like someone has pulled the floor out from beneath me.
It has been hatd to accept as anxiety as Im a pretty chilled out person in general.

26-03-16, 21:19
Everyday I pray I will wake up and it will be gone .... but if I was 100% sure it's defo anxiety I think I'd cope and try and forget it .... as I'm not sure I'm googling it and winding myself up xx

26-03-16, 21:22
Waking up and thinking "Is it still there?" Makes it worse because you end up focusing on how you feel all day. But I do exactly the same x

26-03-16, 21:27
I know that's what I do too!! It's taking over my life .... I don't know what else to do xx

26-03-16, 21:36
I'm on medication for mine because it eventually got worse than just feeling dizzy and wobbley. But I would say just accept that this is something you have to live with temporarily, remember it cannot hurt you and don't let it interfere with your normal life. It's just an unpleasant physical sensation! Research some breathing techniques and these will help you if you start to get dizzy while you're out and about x

26-03-16, 21:48
I'm on propranalol but they haven't done any thing ... I see my gp again in 2 weeks. .... what do u take? Does it work? I have learnt to try help with my breathing x

26-03-16, 21:57
I'm on Citalopram but I was having quite nasty panic attacks, I stopped going out because of them & it spiralled into depression from there. The tablets have helped somewhat but I think it's just my own determination, lots of meditation etc and forcing myself to carry on as normal that's made the most difference.

26-03-16, 22:29
Thank u for chatting with me. ... it means a lot x

26-03-16, 22:32
It's ok :)
Just don't let it take over your life or you'll end up where I am! X

03-06-16, 18:43
Discuss it ever go away I'm suffering all day dizziness now for 5 weeks it's swaying / sometimes I feel I am spinning and lose balance I've had blood work and ecg all normal x