View Full Version : Pregnancy anxiety

25-03-16, 17:25
I think I might be pregnant...I have some of the symptoms and no period.

My partner and I have not been using contraception (not to get pregnant but we just ran out) and it is possible that it's happened. This is making my head spin for all kinds of reasons:

- I'm desperate for a baby but he isn't, we've talked about it and never really resolved the issue but I worry that if we had one, he'd leave

- Part of the reason I've accepted his position is that I'm phobic of childbirth and however much I want kids, this fear almost always wins/stops me from taking steps that would make it happen.

- If I am pregnant i have done some things that would not be good for the baby in the past few weeks including a dental x ray when I didn't think to tell them that I might be pregnant (as I didn't think I could be).

Period is late enough that I could now take a test, but the thought of doing this makes me feel sick. The reason being that I will be devastated if it's negative, and scared beyond belief if it's positive.

Either way I am more anxious and filled with dread than I can possibly describe. I've had two massive panic attacks (over other things) in the past 2 days and I am terrified of the outcome, whatever it is.

Can someone please offer some words of support if nothing else? I feel so alone, and my partner is away this weekend leaving me on my own.

25-03-16, 18:31
I think you need to do a test then you would know either way. If you are late then the result would be very accurate and if it is positive you would need to start seeing your midwife and get scans booked in. I know it is a scary time but you can be offered support from midwives and ante natal groups.

Good luck with it

25-03-16, 18:33
There's no way I will be able to do one this weekend while on my own, but tbh I think it's probably just a weird sort of wishful thinking that I am and it will probably turn out to be nothing. I just can't deal with the feelings this has stirred up in the meantime. :weep:

26-03-16, 20:17
I think your anxiety finds a way through here because the baby issue between you and your better half is unresolved. You're scared heŽd leave, because it's unresolved. You're scared of giving birth because it's unresolved. I hope you find a way to talk it over with him and find a compromise.

There are people to help you handle your fear of child birth. I followed a training when I was expecting my second child that put me in control and took the fear out of the situation. Fantastic!

27-03-16, 20:32
I felt similar when i found i was pregnant with our 3rd child who is now 2. After we got over the shock i was then so anxious that i have to give birth. Its bothered me everyday. But when it came to it i was fine you honestly dont even think of anxiety.