View Full Version : Chest pain

25-03-16, 21:02
I have had really bad chest pain for 2 weeks now and i'm really scared. I went to my gp who knows about my health anxiety especially heart related. He said i have had loads of tests over the years and its all anxiety. As i mentioned i had a panic attack he just gave me some diazapam. He took my bp and said it was fine. But i'm really panicking as he never listened to my chest. I have suffered from palpations for years, but this chest pain is scaring me, sometimes my heart races too. I have been having phsyio on my upper back due to back problems could this cause chest pain?

25-03-16, 21:52
when did you go to Doc?

26-03-16, 00:46
Your doctor is right.. All you’ve said was clearly anxiety related.

26-03-16, 05:27
I get the same thing and went through the same thing and still need the reassurance from time to time that it is all anxiety. I wake up with horrible back pain that turns into chest pain. I have been to a cardiologist recently mainly because I was getting skipped heart beats. Everything turned out to be fine and I still go for routine check ups more than the average person. Chest pain and heart related concerns are the BIGGEST discussion on this forum and most anxiety forums. If your doctor said it is fine than listen to him/her. I wish I could practice what I preach but I get through it, even during rough times. Try some yoga.....it will help with back pain. When you are constantly stressed out, all muscles, including your back and chest area feel strained. I actually started doing some light yoga yesterday and it really did help. Here is the link: Hope you feel better and try not to worry :)


26-03-16, 08:39
Hi thanks all for your replies, the pain was so bad last night that I said to my hubby that I should go to the hospital, but he said you will be fine. Its so hard to put this down to anxiety. My nan died of a heart attack walking me home from school when I was 10 so I guess this is where my fear started. I woke up at 4am in pain and panic, I always sleep on my side but it seemed more painful so I changed and slept on my back and it eased of slighlty. I woke up again at 8 not too bad until i'm up and about then the pain starts. I just feel so fed up with it all, I know I drive everyone mad. But I don't want to be like this, I just want to be ok 😢

26-03-16, 14:44
Hi, I can totally relate to this. I experienced chest pain for over 18 months that resulted in about 5-6 trips to A&E. I, like you couldn't believe it was caused by anxiety and the pain just caused more anxiety. I had all the tests such as ECGs, X-Rays, blood tests and everything was normal. There is NCCP (non cardiac chest pain) such as GERD, as well as Costochondritis that feels like it is heart related but isn't. The one thing I will stress is that if you are in any doubt go to A&E or call an ambulance. They never once said I was wasting their time and you're in the right place if it is a medical emergency. Like to others have suggested, try to reduce stress. I found swimming helped as it excised my chest muscles.

When I went to my local doctors they never listened to my heart neither - couldn't be bothered to get out of their chairs most of the time!
