View Full Version : Please help me :-(

25-03-16, 21:41
I don't know what to do with myself right now. It is definitely not the first time I felt this way but it doesn't make it any easier or less scary. I am really scared.
I wonder if anyone has felt this before? The worst thing is that it is so hard to explain what I actually feel. It feels a bit like burning sensation on the top of my head. If I massage my scalp in the area with my fingers the skin feels a bit sore. But I also feel like something is pressing me on top of my head and that is the scariest feeling. It sometimes feel like it will crush my head. So I worry it is blood pressure. Especially since I am pregnant and they keep checking it. I had it checked just yesterday and it was ok, but then who knows what it is today! I also feel sore if I press some areas around my eyes, especially along the bottom edge of eye socket, forehead and near my nose. And my eyes feel the same pressure as the top of my head. I calm down for a bit but then I go into panic again that something terrible is going to happen to my head!

25-03-16, 21:55
I had the same thing a few weeks ago. After I stopped worrying about it, it went away.

26-03-16, 05:17
The first time I felt this, I was begging my husband to take me to the ER because I was convinced I was having a stroke!!! I have been suffering from HA (Health Anxiety) for a little over a year and I will tell you I have experienced every weird and scary thing there can be. Please see the article below. It will explain to you how burning skin feeling, especially in the head and face are a VERY COMMON symptom of anxiety. I usually get it when I am extremely stressed out, especially when trying to fall asleep. It can happen any time during the day. Please try not to worry. Anxiety and Panic can do a lot of weird things to you. feel better :)


26-03-16, 09:09
One of my weirdest anxiety symptom was a tingling nose, it Always went away when I stopped focusing on it but as soon as I thought about it, it was back.
Anxiety can cause many weird symptoms.

26-03-16, 12:17
Thank you for your replies all x The burning/irritated scalp feeling is annoying but the kind of pressing feeling is more scary. It almost feel like metal helmet but it is also tender around the area. The face is not burning but if I press certain point they are sore.

Today I just feel like I am falling apart to be honest. I had a nasty cramp in my leg over night thanks to joys of pregnancy but the muscle still doesn't feel right, if I try to stretch it it hurts like hell. I know cramps are normal at this stage and that they can cause this now but it is hard not to worry it is maybe something else because it is the calf and because how painful it is. I still have the head thing, I also feel sick, have a huge spot on my head, my eyes feel strained which adds to the sickness and I just had a pain in my chest for a little while followed by burping so obviously indigestion related which is also not surprise at this stage but how can you be certain and not feel scared with something like that.Now what else should I expect....