View Full Version : Worrying again !!

05-03-07, 09:44
Hi all,

Never had to post for a few weeks but guess what here I am again. I posted about my fear of ovarian cancer and was reading a magazine ( i dont buy them now , but it was asda's free one) and in it was an item about ovarian cancer. It said that the symtoms were similar to IBS and is often misdiagnosed as this. I've been suffering from low down pelvic pain and lower backache ( although ive had the backache for a few years now) and its really scared me, what if i have this. :wacko:
I am really tempted to google but I dont want to, and also my CBT therapist told me to stay away from the doctors, but i'm so worried i can't function again . I haven't been to the doctors for a few months as I have been doing quite well, but now everythings come rushing back!! Does anyone think I have this disease and what should I do ?? :shrug:

05-03-07, 10:04
Hello Shirley,

No google hun cos we know where it gets us eh. I too have days when I tell myself these pains couldn't be my IBS and I diagnose all sorts hun. Be proud of yourself for being doctor free these past few months. Me thinking of you and I honestly don't think you have ovarian cancer cos I've been there done that and I know this wee blip will pass for you very soon. xxx

05-03-07, 11:58

Isn't it awful when an article like that catches you off guard. Most people can read these things, be vaguely aware for the future, and think "thank god I haven't got that". But us - we think "but what if I have???".

I'd say that if you have had your symptoms for quite some time and they haven't got worse, and you haven't had new symptoms, then you can be pretty confident that they aren't anything to concern you.

Have you had an actual diagnosis of IBS from your doctor? If not, then it is always best to get this. Maybe not to the extreme I went (whereby I had blood tests and sigmoidoscopy), but at least if your GP formally diagnosed it then maybe you would be able to accept it easier?

I don't know, I can be so easily persuaded by my mind that my IBS is something far more sinister. I think because IBS is just the label they put on something that they can't label with anything else.

Don't google, and don't read information that isn't written or backed by a respected person in the medical profession. If you really are concerned, then go and see your doctor to get some facts. And congratulations in doing so well up til now - this is just a blip and you will be back on track soon.


05-03-07, 20:45

Oh yes, I too saw the little snippet in the free Asda magazine (damn, another magazine I shall have to avoid :wacko: ) and have so far resisted the urge to go onto the ovarian cancer website, telling myself that I know my lower backache is due to the fact that I have scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and my bloated abdomen is probably due to the pack of donuts that I scoffed over the weekend!

Maybe a trip to the GP would put your mind at rest though. Just a little blip, be strong, you'll get back on track soon enough!

K xx

miss diagnosis
05-03-07, 22:07
hi there

my friends mum is currently getting treatment for ovarian cancer and had none of the symptoms you are describing. in fact ovarian cancer rarely shows any symptoms but hers where not like that.,im not gonna tell u what they were!! anyways im not sure how old you are but she is in her 60's and doing really well.

Magazines are the worst. take a break in paticular. I developed my fear of cervical cancer after reading an article last summer in glamour about some girl in amercia who died from it. they even showed pics of her in her coffin. prety horrific! I only read heat now!!

05-03-07, 23:43
Thanks everyone for your replies they do help. And your right K another magazine to avoid i never thought reading an asda magazine would scare me so much, and i agree with you miss , magazines have a lot to answer for !!!!!!!! These blips are so hard to cope with, dont know how id cope without the help from all you guys. Thanks again xx