View Full Version : Palpitations after sex?

26-03-16, 00:29
My husband and I were intimate and we got a little nutty. Right after we were done, I got very bad palpitations and short of breath and it felt like I was going to have a heart attack? I had a physical from a cardiologist last June of 2015 where he did an echocardiogram and I wore a 24 hour holter monitor and everything was fine. I had blood work this January of 2016 and the only thing that was wrong was my hemoglobin blood level was 15.6 which is slightly elevated because I smoke. I know this is silly but they were palpitations that I never felt before and took a good 3-5 minutes to stop. Now I am afraid to do anything that involves fast movement. I have been pretty out of shape for the past three years because my husband drives me everywhere and I barely exercise. Could have anything changed between now and when I had the cardiology visit June of 2015 or an I relapsing back to my health anxiety again? I know this sounds ssilly but it was pretty scary.

Catherine S
26-03-16, 00:38
As a previous reply about these palpitations, this would be down to the extra adrenaline during this 'exercise ' in some people it over -stimulates the heart sometimes. And as you know, smoking would be a big trigger too.


26-03-16, 00:41
Thanks for all of your help. I know deep down that there is no harm in these annoying skipped beats! I even replied to other peoples posts trying to reassure them. It is just very scary when you are in the moment and they happen. I have been getting them since I am 16. I also know I did it to myself...LOL. I do all the no-no's .....I smoke, I drink coffee/caffeine and I always manage to stress myself out over something!!! I appreciate the reassurance. I joined this site to help others mainly but I also need that reassurance myself sometimes! I am almost fully recovered from having MAJOR panic attacks. Small/mild ones creep up on me sometimes but the main crisis is over. Thanks again for your support :) :hugs:

Catherine S
26-03-16, 00:46
I know how you feel, don't freak out but i've had them for over 40 years, since my 20s and even now if I get a run of them it can still floor me, but mostly the beta blockers keep them under control, so I live with them. I do know the triggers and try to avoid them if I can...not always easy :)

26-03-16, 00:58
Thanks :)

26-03-16, 04:46
As Cath said, it's due to exercise. Excise increases adrenaline output, so whilst we are advised to use exercise to "burn off" adrenaline, as it causes the body to metabolise it for other things, exercise can increase output too. So, having a gentle stroll won't do much to raise levels but going hell for leather will.

Whilst I don't have HA in my anxiety, I have always been symptom focussed more with the physical side. As I have worked through from the worst stages I found anything that raised my HR and increased my breathing was a possible trigger. But doing it more gets you through the other side as your subconscious stops reacting so much because is is learning that consciously, you don't care.

So, repetition is the key...and now I feel like a Sex Therapist or one of those wacky agony aunts in the papers. :roflmao:

I know when I started seeing my GF again and we got intimate, I would have issues like this from kissing to sex. An orgasm means some sudden changes in the body so if you are focussed on such things, you will question them and try to attach them to similar anxiety symptoms. Feeling lightheaded is easily one you could feel but haven't we all heard 'is the room spinning' in our time and not from someone with anxiety? Try not to allow it and don't let it stop you.

And on that embarrassing note, I shall flee...:winks:

26-03-16, 05:10
Thank you so much....what you said makes perfect sense! My biggest health anxiety has always been my heart since I have been suffering from skipped beats. I can go days with no problem and then all of a sudden they pop up with a vengeance. During the incident I posted, I just had straight up palps with no skipped beats but I was scared because it wouldn't settle down for a few minutes and the palps were stronger than normal. Its a sucky thing to go through. I appreciate your help......don't be embarrassed.....I appreciate your help very much :)

26-03-16, 05:16
I guarantee you that before you had anxiety, you would have experienced this and not even noticed. The body is just reacting to the extra "work". And I would imagine that is why the palps were stronger too.

Just like the difference between jogging and sprinting. More load so more pumping.

I found one of the big challenges with all this was relearning what was normal for us to experience.

I know what you mean, whilst I would think a little about HR, it was more breathing for me with having asthma so I've had so many times when any tightness was an issue. In the end I worked out the difference between tension and asthma symptoms to be able to rationalise it. For me, any physical feeling triggered the response and I would imagine many of us on here have been like that too.

You've beaten your HA so don't let it worm it's way back in and I'm sure you know it's much easier to stop it now than tackle the longer uphill battle later.

26-03-16, 05:21
I completely agree! Sometimes I have to backtrack myself and when I get these uncomfortable symptoms of anxiety and panic, I have to ask myself did this happen before the HA/Panic? You are totally right and I have to remind myself this every day. It is what helps me get through it. Thanks again for your support :)

26-03-16, 06:35
My Take? Dang! The heck with the palps! That must have been some really good sex! :yesyes:

Positive thoughts

26-03-16, 08:07
Fishmanpa, lol you were here for me awhile back and gave me the same suggestion and I did push through and everything was ok.. But lately I am stressed I suppose about an upcoming move and it seems like the smallest thing sets me off ,fast heartbeat and just nervous feeling in my stomach which of course makes my heart beat faster and I get a sudden rush of adrenaline ,bad thing about it mine comes on like a storm if I even think about it or talk to the wife about it. My wife and I both enjoy sex a lot and this really puts a kink into it. I don't know why my anxiety is set off so fast. I am going to try again to do what you say just barrel on through and be like you .. I remember you saying what way would you rather go than having great sex.. It got me through quite a few times thinking about what you said..so here goes again. Whew.. hate hate hate anxiety ..

26-03-16, 09:03
Fishmanpa, lol you were here for me awhile back and gave me the same suggestion and I did push through and everything was ok.. But lately I am stressed I suppose about an upcoming move and it seems like the smallest thing sets me off ,fast heartbeat and just nervous feeling in my stomach which of course makes my heart beat faster and I get a sudden rush of adrenaline ,bad thing about it mine comes on like a storm if I even think about it or talk to the wife about it. My wife and I both enjoy sex a lot and this really puts a kink into it. I don't know why my anxiety is set off so fast. I am going to try again to do what you say just barrel on through and be like you .. I remember you saying what way would you rather go than having great sex.. It got me through quite a few times thinking about what you said..so here goes again. Whew.. hate hate hate anxiety ..

Now that's romance. :winks:

It's true though, I've always found that when it comes to feeling normal bodily sensations, you do need to pass through the fear and learn it's nothing other than normal.

Like you said on the other thread, mnaha, you used to enjoy travelling and maybe you need a break? Anxiety can be a trap, a rut, and getting outside your bubble, your smaller world, can bring those "a ha" moments where you feel better and feel you have moved forward. Good luck with it all and I hope it does give you a boost!

26-03-16, 10:12
Thanks Terry.. wish me luck.. I am gonna need it.. :)

28-03-16, 21:05
Any time after I have an orgasm, I end up getting a tight chest and palpitations and sometimes that leads onto a panic attack. I know its just the release of extra hormones and adrenaline.