View Full Version : Weight loss? I'm scared

26-03-16, 11:13
Hi, I'm 17 and I'm scared I have cancer.

I usually weigh around 79 kg and 2 days ago I weighted myself after maybe a week. It showd 77.8 kg. I kept weighing myself throughout the day and in the evening it was 77.5 . Today in the morning it was 77.1 .

I wasn't eating and drinking much on Thursday. And I didn't drink enough on Friday. I didn't lose appetite but I'm on holidays so I have this weird sleep pattern at the moment.

My rational side is thinking this is due to not drinking enough and eating less. But can I drop that much weight by just not drinking enough?

26-03-16, 13:24
Impossible. It's normal for the body weight to fluctuate a few kilos between weeks, it depends on so many things... what you eat, the weight of your clothes, your current levels of liquid retention... This is not a symptom, so quit worrying.

If you went from, say, 79 kg to 65 kg in a matter of 2 months then yes, that could be worrisome, but 2 kilos up or down is perfectly normal.