View Full Version : Literally obsessed with appendicitis

26-03-16, 12:09
I'm literally driving myself mad..... I constantly think I have appendicitis.... sometimes I get pains in right side of my tummy and hip... not even a bad pain Just like a twinge and I get it and I'm like a crazy person I have the pace the room I start crying... it's literally my worst nightmare and I have a phobia of GPS and hospitals I feel like I'm trapped and I can't help myself.... ��������

Catherine S
26-03-16, 13:01
Hi Joanne, I had my appendix removed in my 20s, and I can remember the pain was excruciatingly bad, not just twinges. The thing is, like it or not these things happen in life sometimes and believe it or not, people with health anxiety usually do cope extremely well if a real illness comes along, it's the imaginary illnesses that make us panic!

ISB :)