View Full Version : Swollen pinky finger, any suggestions?

26-03-16, 12:30
Hey, so yesterday I woke up with pain, swelling and redness in my pinky finger that still lasts today. I don't remember hitting my finger or injuring it in any way, lol. I'm not really anxious about this for now but I'd like to find something that reduces the swelling and pain, does anyone have a suggestion of what this could be, and stuff to try? So far I tried Thrombocid and nothing.

Thanks in advance! Picture in case it helps:

Link (http://puu.sh/nUxfx/3b8dbf59ee.png)

26-03-16, 14:31
Could it be an insect bite?

26-03-16, 15:21
There's no insect bites that I can see, but I did think about the possibility.

31-03-16, 21:16
I forgot to update this and I probably should in case someone has the same and worries unnecessarily. In my case, a small vein in my pinky finger kinda spontaneously "bursted" or broke slightly, and the injury formed a clot/haematoma which is painful but nothing to worry about. They just gave me a gel to accelerate the haematoma's reabsortion and it's already looking a lot better, and the pain is also gone.

And yes, this stuff can spontaneously happen if you're a healthy person, but it's never going to happen in important veins or arteries, it's always going to be minor capillaries if anything.