View Full Version : Back to being Miserable

26-03-16, 13:59
I have some improvements for the past few months in terms of not Googling some new pains and discomfort. But what I can’t seem to shake off is thinking of having something worse or sinister going on while the pain and discomfort is making me miserable. As of now, I am having a feeling of having a pressure in my upper back, neck/throat(tightness also in the throat?), and upper abdomen, its something like there is something that wants to burst, a feeling of pressure, sort of. I would get some little relief if I would burp intentionally, I am currently figuring out if is this some kind of gas issue, reflux, or lungs in pain, or just plain sinister disease that I am not certain of? Also I have a painful cervical part in my neck. Anyone who also experience this? Am I going to die? I am so frustrated with this day to day torment.

26-03-16, 20:49
Sounds gastric. I get gas pains in my back, arms, neck, etcc