View Full Version : Scary chest pains last night

26-03-16, 14:19
I fell asleep on the couch and my husband woke me up around 4am. I went upstairs to bed and my chest started hurting, just left of the middle of my chest. Then after a few minutes it wrapped aroudnx my ribs to my back. It was so scary but it went away. My heart was racing my left arm started to feel weak. Not really sore just like it had been asleep. I feel today just terrified about whatever happened last night. Anyone ever felt this before???? I'm 30, was at cardiologist a year ago and he said everything was fine.cant replies will be helpful. I don't know it was a really bad anxiety attack or if I should worry and go to ER or wait until Monday and call my cardiologist.

28-03-16, 16:44

I would always say it's worth getting checked out. However, I has sharp pains in the left of my chest. At the time I thought it was my heart so I went to A&E. They did an ECG and found nothing wrong. I then decided it was in my left breast so went off to have an ultrasound and mammogram. Again, nothing.
Eventually I went to a chiropractor who told me my T3-T5 vertabrae were absolutely fused together and this was causing the back pain, chest pain and occasional left shoulder/arm pain. A couple of sessions with her cracking me into shape and I felt much better. I still occasionally get the pains but now I know what it is, I don't worry (and therefore tense up) so much.
Worth a visit to the Dr's just to make sure first but they should be able to tell if your vertabrae is "stuck" whilst you are there.
Good luck!

28-03-16, 17:19
Maybe you slept in an odd position on the sofa and that caused a circulation problem/trapped wind temporarily in your chest/arm. I get this often and i feel i have to straighten up for it to go. The racing heart may of been from the anxiety of the sudden pain. Anxiety chest pain originates in the centre of the chest.

I am no doctor but iv had this many times, if it was heart related the pain wouldnt subside or come and go. But if it is a new thing i would always get it checked out.

Hope you feel better soon :)

28-03-16, 23:59
Hasn't happened since so I still have no idea what it was. Hopefully never happens again! I do get chest and back pain a lot so maybe a chiropractor would be able to help. I've never been and it freaks me out when they crack people's necks. Idk If I could sit there and let them do it! Thanks for the replies:)