View Full Version : Tired at the same time daily.

26-03-16, 14:38
A strange one.

Does anybody come over very tired at the same time daily ?

Around half one I start to feel exhausted. I don't fall asleep or anything but feel I could take a nap.

I have just had full bloods done and everything was good.

Just seems strange to me that it's daily and the same time.

Catherine S
26-03-16, 16:09
It's normal for most people to experience an energy slump at some time during the day, whether at home or at work, I usually hit mine around 4pm, and being now retired and officially old I have the pleasure of being able to give in to it :D


27-03-16, 04:11
I get the slump too..I think people used to say its a sugar low . Some people eat candy bar in the afternoon or a sugar mint or something with sugar in it .I heard about people getting this when I was growing up and probably experienced it then to but never thought much about it but when we are anxious we probably think about things more and try to figure out why they happen.. Hope you feel better , Also ISB , enjoy your retirement. I was retired at 50 and think seriously it was the begining of the end. Over those years I have been more anxious than ever in my life because I guess I had more time on my hands and for a few years I was very depressed about not working and being secluded but now adjusted to that part somewhat but not the anxiety .It has been bad at times and then seem to leave for a bit but never too far away unfortunately .

27-03-16, 04:36
I feel that way at least twice a day. So I head for my bed. Why not? I'm old enough to know when I need a nap, and some sugar. :yesyes:

27-03-16, 07:21
Haha :) thanks for the replies :)

Wish I was able to head for my bed ..... I'm in it now and wide awake !!! Arrrr

28-03-16, 20:36
This usually affects me from any time from about 2pm to 6pm, no matter what time I get up at or how well I slept. I just put it down to the "3 o clock slump". I experience it most days, even when I haven't done anything that tiring. Felt this for as long as I can remember.