View Full Version : Burst blood vessel in eye

26-03-16, 18:03
I'm probably being ridiculous. But I'm in a panic and need some reassurance.
I seem to have a burst blood vessel in my eye. The top part of my eye is bright red with blood.
It scared me when I saw it.

My husband says I'm being silly and that it can happen easily.

I just wondered why it happened, how serious it might be and whether I can allow myself to relax or whether it's a symptom of something serious.

Anyway, I'm sure most people here who suffer from HA will understand that I feel very disturbed and fearful at the moment and probably won't get much sleep tonight.

Tell me I'm stupid, I don't mind!

26-03-16, 18:19
can be caused by a lot of things, coughing, sneezing or even just spontaenously nothing to worry about it will heal itself after a while...... just like a bruise but a lot more visible as it is in the white of the eye

26-03-16, 18:25
Oh thank you very much for that.
You can't imagine the relief your reply has brought me. 😄

26-03-16, 18:56
you are welcome, it has happened to me several times.

26-03-16, 19:57
agree with venusbluejeans. Loads of people get this and it nearly always is nothing to worry about. IF you got it very regularly like every week and it kept on doing it then they do like to check your blood pressure - this happened to a friend who had it 5 times in 3 months. His bp was fine and no reason was every found and it stopped as suddenly as it had started.

Good for scaring people when they look at you though:)