View Full Version : So scared I have cancer

26-03-16, 18:20
I'm beside myself worrying I have uterine cancer or maybe ovarian or cervical cancer. I have had spotting for three months in between normal period. I'm usually very irregular, I never know when periods will happen and they're usually too frequent rather than ever far apart. About 7 years ago my doc said it wasn't pcos after an ultrasound didn't show any cysts even though my blood test showed elevated testosterone. My last smear was three years ago so probs due soon for next one. I've never taken any form of hormonal birth control and never been pregnant.

The only things the Internet suggests seem to be pcos or cancer and I've been told years ago my irregular periods weren't pcos.... I am soooo soooo scared! Has anyone ever had constant spotting for a long period. It's more just traces of blood in discharge and is bright red.
So hoping others gave had this and it's been nothing much. I diminutive regularly so am even worrying it could be liver disease. I'm 32.

A full thread I wrote on this recently is here http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=181826

I'm just beside myself with fear! Plus I've just booked an expensive holiday for May and am fretting I'll be having cancer treatment rather than going. I'd cry but I've just had my lashes done lol

26-03-16, 20:49
I was 35 when i got what you are experiencing, I would start to bleed on day 12 of cycle and continue every day up to my period starting. my friends mother at the time had just been diagnosed with uterine cancer and my friend unknowingly was ranting about her mothers dr not doing anything about her mothers constant bleeding - did me the power of good!

Anyway I rushed off to Dr and begged for tests and I had hysteroscopy and ultraound etc and nothing, everything was fine. It was all due slight hormone imbalance. I had it every cycle for 4 cycles then it stopped but 2 years later it was back and guess what I had all the tests again and again all fine it was still due to my wonky hormones.

It turned out this was the very very beginning of peri menopause for meas this can occur up to 10 years before true peri meno kicks in which it did when I was 45 and I was postmeno by age 51.

So the chances are that like me you have a bit of a hormone imbalance. I too had elevated testosterone at that time but no pcos.
Yes sensible to see your Dr and go for tests to be totally sure its just your hormones but I bet you are just doing what I did just a few years younger.

26-03-16, 21:15
Some people spot halfway through their cycle when they ovulate.

28-03-16, 21:09

Thank you for replying. I thought it could be bleeding while ovulating initially but its more or less constant between periods rather than just for a day here or there. Hadn't thought about pre menopause at only 32, that sounds quite scary, I've never even thought about kids before but at least it wouldn't be life threatening if it is something like that of course.

To make matters worse (sorry in advance for too much information) I was initimate with my boyfriend yesterday for the first time this year since this has been going on, and today the bleeding all of a sudden is as heavy as a period. Given how irregular they are this could be a coincidence and this could be my period but I'm worried it isn't and the bleeding is aggrevated by sex making it seem more likely it must be due to cancer right?!! Its a lot less now than when I got up this morning so I guess by tomorrow I'll know if it is my period if it is still heavy but if it goes back to really light traces again, I'll know it was aggrevated by sex :-S

Also, when I had a bowel movement on Saturday and today there has been bright red blood on the actual stool not on the toilet paper so I'm scared this is another symptom of ovarian, cervical, uterine or vaginal cancer or that perhaps both the vaginal bleeding and blood on the stool are related to bowel or rectal cancer or perhaps advanced liver disease (myself and my boyfriend/friends are regular wine drinkers on a weekend). I'd surely have some other symptoms of liver failure thought right?

Can't believe I seem to have so many weird symptoms related to bleeding all at once.... I have no other symptoms though such as any pain anywhere. Beside myself with worry and I'm crazy busy at work with several big important events I have sole responsibility for whilst several colleagues on hol for next couple of weeks so no chance of a docs appointment as my docs is only open 9 to 5 and I work 9 to 5 and am going to need to be there all of that. I usually have to wait two to three weeks for a docs appointment at my surgery anyway though. I'm going to have to try and be something other than a basket case at work, wish me luck!