View Full Version : Worried about my heart

05-03-07, 13:48
Hi Guys, [/URL]

I have had problems with anxiety for the last couple of years, but to be fair, the last 12 months have been really good. My anxiety started off due to alot of [U]stress (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/) and worries about palpitations, racing pulse etc. I saw a Cardiologist who gave me the all clear, but for the next few months, the fear that something was still up remained at the back of my mind.

Until recently, I very rarely feel anxiou, I thought I had put all the fear and worries behind me. I gave up smoking at Christmas when I took a six week break in New Zealand. Whilst there I started getting 'weird' sensations in my chest that I can only describe as slight pressure, feeling as though someone was pulling a thread out of the skin in my chest and an itchy feeling. I tried my best to ignore this and get on with my holiday. As time went by these weird sensations stopped appearing and I was back to normall.

Now I am back home and at work I am getting the above feelings more and more and my pulse rate is suddenly back to shooting through the roof if I do as little was walk up a few steps. I have a new appointment at the Cardiologists in 8 weeks, and I looking forward to just finding out what is wrong with me.

I know anxiety is often accompanied with chest pains, but I wouldnt describe them as pains but more of an irritation or a slight discomfort and I have been getting these feelings when I am in a relaxed state of mind. To be honest I think worrying about my chest might bring the anxiety back again.

Does anyone else share these symptoms or can they throw any light on them? Pressure feeling on Sternum/feeling like a thread is being pulled out of the skin in chest/rapid heart beat for no reason?

I will also add that I believe I have a Gerd problem as I have been getting a lot of heart burn lately too.

Lately I have felt weird feelings/sensations in my chest when getting angry. This is why I am starting to think the problem is Angina.

Thank you in advance

05-03-07, 20:22
Clear I cannot comment on your medical situation Sage.

However, I'd be shocked if anything major has changed since you last saw the cardiologist. I don't know what checks you had, but say if you had a stress ECG and ultrasound scan, angina, which tends to develop over a long period, would have been picked-up then.

Think about it, could that much have really changed in a few months? It is possible, but I would think unlikely.

There are numerous complaints which give chest discomfort. GERD is a possibility, I also have a cartilege condition which mimics a myocardial infarction called costochondritis, this can last for many months and cause chest discomfort. Upon doing some research on this some statistics show this condition causes 30% of A&E chest pain incidents, I've also heard and had first hand experience of a doctor not picking it up, it was only my local GP, who happens to have specialised in Rheumatology, who diagnosed my condition initally. It can be caused by a virus or simply doing something physical and damaging the area.

Also, take the pains when you get angry, sure as I suspect you know this can be a symptom of angina, however, when you are angry your muscles tense, so it could also be related to that.

What I'm saying is try and stay calm over this. You are right to get a check-up and do as the doctor has advised, however, don't jump to conclusions.

05-03-07, 21:07
Thanks for your reply Russ

My doctor also thinks that my chest pain could be cartilage related. I will have to wait until my tests in April.

07-03-07, 12:06
I have noticed that if I fold my arms the pain/sensations i feel in my chest dissapear

07-08-07, 22:01
im no doctor or anything but i suffer from the same sensations as you, and im figuring it could be some sort of trapped wind or something. i know that sounds stupid at first but its all i can think of. is your appetite ok?? mine comes and goes. i try not to focus on it. im 17 years of age. stay happy and stay healthy.