View Full Version : Poorly child

27-03-16, 00:44
Anyone have any ideas how to help a child with sore sinuses? When I took her to the Drs on Thursday she had a temp of 40 and the dr said it was viral give her calpol and ibuprofen.

She's asleep again now but for the last hour or so she's been crying and rubbing her nose. She's saying she's cold but is warm to touch, nothing like she has been the last few days. She's not eating much I'm constantly trying to get food in her as she's lost a bit of weight when she had scarlet fever a couple of weeks ago shes drinking a fair bit.

I'm feeling like a useless mum right now, I can't make my own child better. My other half and I just had words as I'm "pandering" to her and making her worse, admittedly she does give me different answers about how she feels to what she's telling everyone else

Catherine S
27-03-16, 00:58
I've read that scarlet fever has been going around again, was it antibiotics they gave her for this? Because antibiotics can kill off good bacteria as well as bad and maybe this has lowered her immune system, enough to let in the virus she has now. It's also scary to read about doctors misdiagnosing more serious stuff and sending children home and you are bound to panic about this.

On the outside looking in, I would say she has got a virus as the doctor said, but never ever ignore your own instincts, you know your child better than anybody and if your instincts tell you to take her to a walk in clinic tomorrow then take her. How old is she?

Cath ☺

27-03-16, 02:05
Thank you for your reply. She was 5 on Tuesday. They gave her 10 days worth of penicillin for the scarlet fever which she finished Monday. It was her birthday party yesterday and she spent half of it sat on the bouncy castle just watching her friends then after she had eaten she seemed to perk up a bit and was running and laughing. Same happened when we got home she was really clingy and said she felt rubbish then after a couple of hours was up playing. A few of the mums at the party said their little ones had been similar with the high temp and it had really wacked them out. I'm not sure if it's my anxiety making things worse but I think your right we will have to take a trip in to see someone in the morning

Catherine S
27-03-16, 02:13
I think the antibiotics have lowered her immunity to the viruses going around. It's not that long since she completed the course and so her immune system hasn't had much time to build up again, bless her. Follow your instincts, see how she is tomorrow and never worry about false alarms with children. Come back when you have the time and let us know how she gets on.

Take care

27-03-16, 02:17
Thank you so much she's snoring now so fingers crossed for a few hours sleep

Catherine S
27-03-16, 02:26
No problem, I remember those times too, and from where I'm looking in, you're a great mummy. Get some sleep :flowers:

Take care
Cath ☺ x

27-03-16, 23:45
Hi. Kids are a worry aren't they. My 14 year old daughter complained about not feeling well on Wednesday about 11pm - she felt really hot so I took her temp and it was 38.1 - woaah. I gave her some calpol and told her to take her top off to sponge her down and that's when I saw the rash. I got a glass for the glass test and it didn't disappear - she was complaining about a headache and feeling sick and stiff and she was crying - I didn't mess around I called 999. Anyway, the rash did go, however after being up all night I took her to the out of ours docs and he said she had a wheeze so she is on amoxycillin. I remember when she was younger she could have a temp of about 39 and be ok, but have a temp of 37.4 and fit. Horrible to watch.
I wouldn't worry about getting your daughter to eat at all. Fluids is what she needs. If she is struggling, give her ice lollies. Don't allow her temp to go up so give her pain relief regualrly - only calpol if she is asthmatic. That's another thing - bloody NHS 111 read me a spiel about alternating between ibuprofen and calpol - I let her finish and then informed her that she shouldn't have said that to me cos I may go and buy ibuprofen, and my daughter is asthmatic. Anyway, I am rambling now - don't worry about taking her to the docs again - she is your child and you know her best - if she is not right then take her back to a different doctor. x

28-03-16, 02:11
Hi thanks for replying, she had a much better day yesterday laughing and running around, ate and drank well then tonight it's the same again hot, blocked nose and unsettled. She's just had more calpol (would only take 5ml) and lots of milk to drink, refused water just wanted milk. I'm so worried that she might fit I wouldn't know what to do. If I take her to the Drs tomorrow I'm not sure what they can do for a cold

28-03-16, 21:56
Hi thanks for replying, she had a much better day yesterday laughing and running around, ate and drank well then tonight it's the same again hot, blocked nose and unsettled. She's just had more calpol (would only take 5ml) and lots of milk to drink, refused water just wanted milk. I'm so worried that she might fit I wouldn't know what to do. If I take her to the Drs tomorrow I'm not sure what they can do for a cold

Ahhhh I hope I haven't worried you about the fitting. I'm on about when my daughter was about 2. They grow out of it around 5-6. You know yourself you're always worse on a night time. I used to sleep downstairs with my kids when they were ill - it is always cooler. Now I just open the window lol. Just give her the calpol before bed, and maybes if she has a blocked nose you could out some vicks on her jarmies (I never liked putting it straight on the skin)? I used to put it on a bib and tie it round their cots. x