View Full Version : If you had a real medical problem would it come and go?

27-03-16, 03:27
Lately when I wake in the morning I feel like I can't breathe.. and sometimes late at night.. I feel the same but if I relax my breathing and try to just relax it seems to go away. My thoughts on this if it goes away for most of the day then it can't be something bad, is that correct?

Also I have allergies and hay fever and of lately like a head cold but my voice has been cracking and kind of hoarse for months. We live in an area with lots of rainfall and plants and I think maybe the mold and rain and the trees and plants outside affect me pretty bad but this has been going on for months. I so worried that its more than allergies and cold or sinus or minor things and might be some kind of cancer or more sinister. Anyone know if you can have stopped up ears and feel like you are inside yourself for months with crazy vision and stopped up nose and upper sinuses for months?It has been making me crazy .

27-03-16, 03:47
I've wondered the same myself. I tell myself if my breathing and head zaps and odd random twinges and all that are so sporadic then it can't be anything other than anxiety. When I tell myself that the symptoms tend to ease off.

The sinuses thing I absolutely think you can have for months on end. I have been dealing with mine all winter which I thought was odd because it does get below freezing where I live, but we haven't had quite as cold a winter as we've had in years past. I am thinking about trying a daily allergy pill like zyrtec or claritin. But I have a phobia of medication so I haven't tried it yet.

27-03-16, 04:04
I can't take antihistamines or sulfides so there is only one allergy med that I can take and I am out of it and they only sell it in the Philippines .Its over the counter. Its a very miserable feeling with allergies that go on and on an on. We have had a usual wet winter but comfortable temps and lots of days that are sunny off and on but I live in the pacific northwest of the U S and the area is lush with plants and trees that bloom and have pollen at all different times of years so always allergy season here. Combine that with possible mold and dust allergies and its just terrible . I wish we could find out whether things like the breathing would come and go but think I probably already know the answer..Probably not.. I would feel assured its anxiety. I know that Fishmanpa says that cancer and illness progresses and doesn't come and go. He is a survivor of multiple illnesses . I have had a lymph node swollen in the corner of my jaw close to the neck muscle and its gets rather large somedays but seem to go down and never disappear so he says that probably rules out something serious but I think stress and sleeping bad and worries causes a lot of our anxiety. We have an upcoming move in a few days and I have been really stressed about it and only since we decided to move I have had the breathing issues.. So I am thinking probably anxiety and sure hoping so. Thanks for chiming in and hope you feel better soon too .:shrug:

27-03-16, 04:24
Yeah I live in the Midwest (Kansas) and our winter has been abnormally warm and dry. So there have been way more allergens than normal. So I've chalked my sinus issues up to that.

My big HA focus lately has been my heart, but the symptoms come and go, can go weeks feeling great then one bad day which spikes my anxiety for a day or two. It's a vicious circle!! Just keep telling myself it's anxiety and it will pass.

Moving is so stressful!! I wouldn't be surprised at all if that's triggered your anxiety spike!!

27-03-16, 05:12
Yeah I live in the Midwest (Kansas) and our winter has been abnormally warm and dry. So there have been way more allergens than normal. So I've chalked my sinus issues up to that.

My big HA focus lately has been my heart, but the symptoms come and go, can go weeks feeling great then one bad day which spikes my anxiety for a day or two. It's a vicious circle!! Just keep telling myself it's anxiety and it will pass.

Moving is so stressful!! I wouldn't be surprised at all if that's triggered your anxiety spike!!

My heart anxiety has been an ongoing thing for years even with three hospital stays and thousands of dollars in sophisticated test and cardiology and cardiologist and specialist after specialist and my doctor an intern all saying the same thing.. Basically my heart if suppose to be in good shape but I still worry. I have had the same worry since I was a child and now 61.

You would think that I would get over it and actually I have.Its mostly times that I haven't been to the doctor in a few months or awhile that I get a little worried that things have changed and after all this time I finally got heart disease. I wish I could just go to sleep one night and wake fearless and just forget about the heart thing . My mother I know worried for years and years and years.. but never spoke of it. She used to look at me and say "well I am going to live till I die." I am not sure what she meant by that but she did everything she wanted to do and was very active and ate what she wanted and died on a Saturday morning when she was 79.

So guess that is what is considered a long life somewhat. She told me a year before that she had more time than is allotted by the bible and she was ready to go anytime.. and was tired.. but she lived on for another year and was active thank goodness and well..passed away in her chair due to natural causes while reading. Anyway ...guess that is where we all are.. guess we will live til we die.. just wish we all could wipe away the fear and have better carefree lives..