View Full Version : sharp pain right side put my finger on it feeling very anxious

27-03-16, 07:08
Hi there when I went to bed last night I had sharp stabbing pain over right side of my chest. I took some gaviscon and it seemed to help and went to sleep. I woke up early this morning and it is back with a vengence I have been leaning over a lot on the computer yesterday and wondering if it is muscualr the pain does not go anywhere else and I have a lot of gas. I am not breathless and my heart rate is normal. It seems to be worse when leaning forward I have taken some more gaviscon and 1 cocodamol i keep on thinking it is my heart or pulmonary embolism but not sure if i would be able to put my finger on it. My anxiety levels are sky high at the moment. I am having a meal with my parents my sister her boyfriend who I dont get on with at all and my 2 nephews. I have been trying to put it to the back of my mind but could all this anxiety come out in muscle pain?

27-03-16, 11:36
Sounds like its either one or the other! Gas can give you awful stabbing chest pains but its also very easy to strain the muscles between your ribs and they too give you a sharp stabbing pain as well. If it hurts when you gently press the area then could be a muscle or cartelage between your rib.

Hope all goes well with your meal.