View Full Version : If you have any of these symptoms ,It might be from TMJ

27-03-16, 07:54
The Kinnie-Funt Visual Index of Head, Neck and Facial Pain and TMJ Dysfuction:

Eye Pain and Eye Problems:
- eye pain above, below, behind
- bloodshot eyes
- blurring of vision
- bulging appearance
- pressure behind the eyes
- light sensitivity
- watering of the eyes
- drooping of the eye lid

Head Pain, Headache Problems, Facial Pain:
- forehead pain
- temporal pain
- "migraine" type headache
- "cluster-type" headache
- sinus headache under the eyes
- posterior headaches, back of head, with or without shooting pains
- hair and/or scalp painful to touch

Mouth, Face, Cheek, and Chin Problems:
- discomfort or pain to any of these areas
- limited opening
- inability to open the jaw smoothly or evenly
- jaw deviates to one side when opening
- inability to "find bite" with teeth

Teeth and Gum Problems:
- clenching or grinding at night
- looseness and or soreness of back teeth
- tooth pain

Jaw and Jaw Joint Problems:
- clicking, popping jaw joints
- grating sounds
- jaw locking opened or closed
- pain in cheek muscles
- uncontrollable jaw or tongue movements

Ear Pain, Ear Problems, and Postural Imbalances:
- hissing, buzzing, ringing, or roaring sounds
- diminished hearing
- ear pain - without infection
- clogged, stuffy, "itchy" ears, feeling of fullness
- balance problems, "vertigo", dizziness, or disequilibrium

Throat Problems:
- swallowing difficulties
- tightness of throat
- sore throat without infection
- voice fluctuations
- laryngitis
- frequent coughing or constant clearing of throat
- feeling of foreign object in throat
- tongue pain
- salivation (intense)
- pain of the hard palate in the mouth

Neck and Shoulder Problems:
- lack of mobility - reduced range of movement
- stiffness
- neck pain
- tired, sore neck muscles
- shoulder aches
- back pain upper and lower
- arm and finger tingling, numbness and or pain

While many of these symptoms have been connected with TMJ Dysfunction, there is no true "classic" picture of a person that suffers from TMJ Dysfunction.

03-04-16, 08:09
Thanks for posting this. I have many of the symptoms listed, mainly connected with ears and throat.

I do have a habit of clenching my jaw when I'm concentrating and not sure if I do it at night too. I'm not sure if I have TMJ as such but there's certainly a lot of muscle tension in my jaw, neck and shoulder areas which could cause similar symptoms.

03-04-16, 08:27
Thanks for posting this. I have many of the symptoms listed, mainly connected with ears and throat.

I do have a habit of clenching my jaw when I'm concentrating and not sure if I do it at night too. I'm not sure if I have TMJ as such but there's certainly a lot of muscle tension in my jaw, neck and shoulder areas which could cause similar symptoms.

I went through 6 months of Bruxism getting onto a med. I was due a check up at the dentist and asked about the jaw pain I was having in case it was due to the infected wisdom tooth he took out not long before. He said it wasn't. I had looked into TMJ on this forum before I joined and he said not to consider that straight away due to jaw pain as jaw pain is very common for many reasons.

He asked me about my stress levels, which were obviously high at the time. He then asked if I was clenching or was grinding and I said no. His next question was "do you find it is worse when you wake and it fades later?". I replied yes. He checked my teeth and found evidence of grinding at the back and said due to that and the pattern of it being worse in the morning, I was grinding them in my sleep.

Since I've been on NMP I've always seen jaw pain = TMJ? Both my dentist, who was really good, and my GP, who was not as good, stated this is very common with stress, anxiety, depression, etc.

So, what I learned from that is not to immediately think TMJ with jaw pain as is often assumed. There is another term for the upstream jaw pain due to such stress and it is extremely common, myofascial pain.

03-04-16, 13:28
Hi MyNameIsTerry (is it? :) )

Sorry to hear about your jaw problem - although I guess it might be sorted now.

I've never been diagnosed with TMJ so I've an open mind about it but I was interested to see all the symptoms that are associated with it. I do have a major problem with jaw clenching - since I was a child in fact and I'm 58 now. I also have neck pain due to poor posture - I'm on a computer at work all day. But I know I have anxiety too so any one of these could lead to my current symptoms

Constant (for years) tinnitus
Clicking jaw
Some head/ sinus stuffiness
Some eye problems, dry or runny eyes and a feeling of pressure
Mild intermittent ear pain
Globus symptoms, strangulation,lump, etc
Tight, achey muscles in neck/throat/shoulders/chest
Dry, sore feeling in throat and on tongue
Some reflux/PND
Feeling I need to constantly clear throat resulting in hoarseness
Tongue pain/spasm

Instead of attributing all this to some sinister cause, at the moment I am managing to keep my HA under control by coming on here, comparing symptoms with others and taking a break /distracting myself so I don't get to obsessive. :wacko:

06-04-16, 16:18
In most cases, TMJ pain is triggered by opening the mouth or chewing. The pain is located in front or below the ear. It can be caused by anxiety-related teeth grinding, especially at night.

Pain behind the eyes and headache may or may not be present.

13-02-18, 08:36
OK, I'm resurrecting this thread as it kind of matches the problem I have. I am a 'tooth/jaw clencher' and have been for yeearrrsss. I do it in the daytime and only really become aware of it when it becomes severe at times of peak stress. I am used to getting a few 'fullness' problems in one ear and teeth sensitive, and sound a bit muffly for a day or so.

However, I must have done it really badly on the other side to usual, the right side. I am writing this hoping someone can relate and give some suggestion for what I can do to try and help the symptoms. My hearing is muffly and reduced, loud and high sounds are 'roboty' sounding and ringing, just infront of the ear is a slightly numb painful area and a feeling of light pain round to the temple and forehead. I don't see any evidence of 'actual illness', no gland ups, no temperature, no ear pain and nothing really concerning. However, I've never had this condition last for what is now 4 days.....anyone else and what can I do to try and help the injury I have caused cure itself? It starts off not too bad in the morning, but after eating and talking for a while it goes back to being rubbish again. WIll it solve itself if I try really hard to not do the clenching which I did one day last week....and anyone know how long it can take ? I guess I'm starting to wonder if I could have done something permanent, as not had it last as long before.

Many thanks.


13-02-18, 16:43
Since I've been on NMP I've always seen jaw pain = TMJ? Both my dentist, who was really good, and my GP, who was not as good, stated this is very common with stress, anxiety, depression, etc.

So, what I learned from that is not to immediately think TMJ with jaw pain as is often assumed. There is another term for the upstream jaw pain due to such stress and it is extremely common, myofascial pain.

I think a lot of people, and even some doctors, use "TMJ" as kind of a catch all for any type of jaw dysfunction (grinding, clenching, tension) even though it may not be true TMJ. I've never been diagnosed with TMJ, but I do clench my teeth and as you've said, it leads to a lot of the same problems (for me, headaches, tinnitus, neck tension, swallowing issues). My mom, on the other hand, has been diagnosed with actual TMJ, and in addition to tinnitus and jaw pain, she will have periods where her jaw get's "stuck" (usually during chewing or talking) and she has to painfully force it back into alignment. :scared15:

13-02-18, 16:52
Hiyer thanks for replying,

No my jaw isn't getting 'stuck' and out of alignment and isn't that painful at all - not like your Mum sounds, so therefore not 'true TMJ'. Hmmm curious, then I wonder what it it is. I know I hold my mouth and jaw and clench my teeth often, in a very tense way, as I've always had a slightly scalloped tongue and sometimes feel pressure right at the front of the ear and some 'stuffiness' at times. I know that it may not be TMJ, and may just be something like a blocked eustachian tube, or just inflammation from the proximity of the TM joint to the ear canal.

This isn't resolving though as it usually does after a day or so, and whilst not getting worse, it still feels stuffy and like my hearing is compromised on that side. I know there's no infection or anything 'nasty' going on (I'm pretty cool on the HA front). Oh well, guess all I can do is give it some time and see if it changes and improves? Have you had your symptoms last a few days ?