View Full Version : Rash very worried

27-03-16, 08:18
Hi everyone, wondering if anyone can help me, I'm just recovering from a cold virus I've beenin bed for three days with aches and pains, sore throat just feeling rubbish in general today I feel alot better but I have an itchy rash in-between my breasts, now I don't know if this has anything to do with my cold virus or maybe I could of been bitten by something as I live in a warm country, but I'm now worrying that the rash is somehow connectef to the virus, I won't Google this as I know it will be sending me straight to A&E, anyone? Thank you

27-03-16, 08:20
Heat rash if you've been sweating because of fever maybe?

27-03-16, 08:25
Could be, thank you

27-03-16, 08:25
Does sound like it could easily be a heat rash from sweating, especially if you've spent a lot of time in bed.

27-03-16, 08:33
Thank you, I haven't really sweated, usually when you break a fever you know about it.

27-03-16, 11:34
It could also be a fungal infection from your breasts being in bed so to speak for a few days as the area will have got hot and moist even if not sweaty.
If it does not go away itself in a day or so then maybe try some anti fungal cream as well.

I have to use proper anti perseperant under my arms and not any of the organic good for you ones otherwise I get terrible fungal infections. I never ever get them using my unperfunmed mum roll on anti -p.