View Full Version : This actually made me tear....

27-03-16, 20:14
My loving husband is trying very hard to understand anxiety and panic attacks. So, I have been working on an email (we are both better with words, and he will appreciate the novel he will receive). I know how my GAD manifested, it started when I was five with one horrifying event, reinforced by another five years later and TA-DA! Anyway, my husband is the first man I have ever wanted to share this most vulnerable and secret part of myself with-and that says a lot about the quality of man he is. I wanted to share with everyone here what I found. I am a very creative person, I love art-any form. Katie Crawford is a photographer who suffers from depression and anxiety. She created a collection of photographs titled "My Anxious Heart". I do not know if this is allowed??? I hope I do not get in trouble, but I wanted to share the link.


She has her own page, but her captions under the photos capture anxiety so well. It was very moving.

I hope no one takes offense. It is nice to see so much attention finally being drawn to anxiety.

28-03-16, 20:01
Thanks for sharing the link, the pictures are very beautiful somehow, though I don't know if I would be able to cope with looking at them in my worst moments.

I love that you feel able to write to your husband about it, it says a lot about you both and the quality of your relationship that you can trust him with your vulnerability.

Thanks again I hope the "novel" helps you both.